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"Josh, we need to go," i said hurriedly as i patter his shoulder for him to hurry up at his locker, "what?"

"we need to get to your house. Brendon wants to hurt me and we need to go,"

he was loading the last book into his bag, "okay let's go."

i quickly grabbed his hand and maneuvered our way through the crowd and out the doors. i felt my phone slip out of my pocket and hit the ground. great, now it's probably cracked.

"Tyler!" Josh shouted as he was already out in the parking lot and i sprinted back to him. before i got close to his car, two people grabbed my arms from behind and shoved me backwards to the ground. i felt the back of my head hit the blacktop, hard. i groaned in pain and rubbed my head, two of Brendon's friends laughed above me before they ran. Josh ran up to them and punched them both in the head. one already fell to the ground, and the other wanted to fight more.

i went to stand up but i felt lightheaded and had a pounding in my skull. i groaned in pain again but heard a car--no, a truck--come speeding towards me. i looked up just in time to see a truck barreling towards me and to hear Josh yell out, "NO!"

i hurried up but couldn't stable myself and almost fell before the truck hit me straight on. the truck hit an ice spot and slid into a snow bank as i laid on the slushy-icy blacktop. i felt numb but i could still feel everything, i just couldn't open my eyes, but i could hear, and what i heard made me want to cry. a hand propped my head up and the other cupping my cheek as they pulled me close and kissed the top of my head. their tear hit my forehead as they whispered words to me i'll never forget: "i'm so sorry".

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