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:a week later:
Josh's POV

i can't find Joseph. he's no where. i thought he just wanted the day off the first day he was gone. i left him alone. but then one day went by, then another, and another. i called his siblings and they didn't know where he was either, then i called his friends and tried talking to them, but they also haven't heard from him lately. now it's been a week and Joseph is missing.

i was walking around to get to the other side of the school when i saw someone in dark clothes and a black hoodie, pulled up over their head, slouched against the wall. i stepped closer and saw smoke blow from their mouth. it isn't him. until i saw his shoes. his floral vans.

i dropped my things and sprinted over to him, "Joseph!" i shouted.

he didn't move. i got close and bent down in front of him. i moved his hoodie to see his face but he swatted my hand away. i only caught a glance and i didn't like what i saw. his face was sunken in and hollow, bags under his eyes, his hair was a mess, he smelt disgusting, and he was smoking a cigar.

he went to go put it back in his mouth but i stole it from him and threw it, "hey!" he snapped.

"what are you doing? where have you been?" i asked as i grabbed his shoulders but he pushed me away.


"stuff? Joseph c'mon. i've been worried sick about you!"

"maybe you shouldn't worry about me and then you'll be fine,"

"Joseph, you're coming with me,"

"nah i'm good,"

"get up."

i grabbed his hand and pulled him up. despite his complaints, i dragged him to my car and pushed him inside. getting in on my side, you could smell him from a mile away.

"do you wanna use my shower or yours?" i asked when the car started and drove onto the road, but he didn't answer, "hello?"

"leave me alone Josh," he mumbled so i could barely hear.


"i said leave me alone Josh. i don't want to talk to you," he then turned to me quickly and pointed a finger, "and if you even try to get me to tell you anything, i'm leaving this dumbass town."

he turned back around and stared out the window as the trees rolled by, "then why did you stay?"

he perked up a little but didn't turn around, "pardon?"

"you said you'd leave this town. so why didn't you?"

he didn't answer at first but i knew he was thinking about how to say what he wanted. by now we were in my driveway and i was able to fully face him, "was it because of me?"

he grumbled under his breath and pulled down his hood to reveal his head that had been shaven, "woah," i whispered and he just glared.

"maybe it was because of you okay? and maybe you're the reason i'm still alive," he turned to face me now, "while i was gone, i picked up some drugs, which is what i was smoking before. why? i tried hanging myself Josh-"

his voice cracked at the end and my eyes were stinging with tears that were threatening to spill, "i was so ready to do it and to get away from everything..but you're the reason i didn't go through with it. so i ran. i was hoping you'd come and find me, but you didn't. that's why i found the drugs and i take them and smoke them and smoke cigarettes all because of one thing: it's all slowly killing me. and that's...that's all i want."

he was already crying and i felt a tear roll down my cheek myself, "i'm so sorry Josh."

wiping the tear away on my face, i said quietly, "get out of the car,"

he didn't protest but seemed upset, so he did anyways. i got out after him and looked at his hollow face again. i stared at him and my face was twisted into sadness, along with his. i hurried over to his side where i hugged him with full force. i sobbed into his shoulder and he did the same as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"i'm sorry i didn't check on you and i'm sorry i didn't go find you. i'm so sorry,"

he rubbed my back, "i'm sorry i ran away,"

i loosened my grip the tiniest bit when he spoke out, "don't let go,"

i chuckled quietly, "i'm not going to, ever,"

i looked up at him and we quickly connected our lips. my hands found their way to his face and cupped his boney jaw as his stayed wrapped around my waist. i missed him so much. we pulled away quicker than i wanted, but we still hugged. feeling a pit in my stomach made me decide, finally, that now was the time. the time to say what i've been wanting to say since i started having feelings for him.

i took in a breath and said it, "i love you Tyler,"

he looked down at me with wide eyes, "you..you love me?"

i nodded and then his eyes got even wider, "you called me Tyler!"

a smile formed on both of our faces as we kissed again, but this time with more passion. he ran his hands through my hair and pulled on it that made me moan in his mouth. i quickly pulled away and remembered we were still in my driveway. i gave him a sideways smirk and he smiled cheekily.

"care to come inside?" i asked and he nodded.


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