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we got up shortly after that to go to school for once. man we're both going to be so behind. even though all our bruises have turned yellow and our cuts have healed, maybe not the one on Josh's lip because i keep accidentally breaking it open from kissing, i'm still nervous and i can feel my anxiety shooting through the roof. i was the one who was waiting for Josh today at the door. when he came down the stairs and asked "you ready to go?", i felt my stomach drop.

"Ty? are you okay?" he asked and i nodded before i opened the door and walked out to his car, my boots trudging through the snow the whole way there.

he started the car when we were both inside and sat there waiting for it to heat up, "nervous?" he asked and i nodded. he grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his and i smiled.

"don't worry, i'm here,"

"i'm just nervous people are going to hate us even more today, or we might end up with both of us in the hospital from someone else-"

"shhh, that's not going to happen. i promise you, i will never let that happen to you again. i swear to you."

i nodded before he let go and pulled out of the driveway. "what did i do to deserve you?"

he chuckled, "i don't know, you're just lucky i guess."

"thank you, Josh."


walking through the hallways on a normal day goes like this: shoving, laughing, homophobic slurs, and cursing. but today it went like this: smiles, pats on the back, friendly conversations, and "i'm sorry"s. Josh was about as shocked as i was when we got to his locker.

"people must feel really bad if they're doing all of this," i said to Josh quietly as a girl with a group of others walked by and waved, i of course waved back as Josh smiled his perfect smile. a few of them giggled while i heard one say, "remember, he's dating Tyler, Jess." if Josh wasn't gay, he would have girls all over him, like cats-with-catnip all over him.

"did you ever think about dating a girl?" i asked once they went around the corner, "maybe once or twice. i played along with my friends..or now ex-friends..when they would point out girls. Brendon would too, even though he is gay."

"have you ever wanted to date Brendon?"

"god no. he was my best friend but that's all that he was going to be. but now he's neither."

i smiled victoriously. yup, he's probably with the cops right now, and that makes me feel on top of the world.

my thoughts were quickly cut off when i heard the bell and thought "oh shit, i need my stuff still!" and apparently i was thinking out loud because Josh laughed before kissing my cheek and walking away. i walked to my locker and unloaded all my stuff and grabbing things i needed. i hate walking into class late and having all eyes on me, it's not my cup of tea. my face turns red because the feeling of everyone staring at me just makes me uncomfortable. but i walked in anyways.

Mr. F hadn't started teaching yet since the bell just rang literally 2 minutes ago, so everyone was mainly talking or going on their phones, "ah Mr. Joseph! you're back!" he said happily.

"yup, i am," i sighed, "sorry i'm late, i was grabbing my stuff,"

"no no, it's fine. it's your first time back from a few days so i understand,"

"thanks." i gave him a quick nod before i made my way to my desk in the back next to Hayley, but before i could get there, two girls and three guys stopped me.

"hey we're really sorry about how we treated you," one girl with a PINK hoodie spoke, "we just hoped you'd accept our apology," another one spoke who had on a flannel button down with leggings.

i nodded, "yeah i forgive you all, it's not like you were the only ones, but it's changed. thanks,"

they nodded and said small "bye"s before moving out of my way to Hayley. i sat down and let out a sigh, "i missed you Ty!" she exclaimed happily before giving me a hug over the shoulders and squeezing me tight enough that i thought she was going to snap some bones.

"i missed you too Hayley, i'm glad to be back, but also not,"

she rolled her eyes, "ugh, tell me about it-"

"okay class, it's time to start," Mr. F interrupted everyone who all scrambled back to their spots.

i missed this, but i also didn't.....god save me now.


i sat down at the table of my friends with Josh following behind me, both of us with trays of food in our hands.

"hey!" they all shouted happily and i grinned. i felt a hand land on my shoulder and shake me, "missed ya Ty," Pete said to me, "missed you too Pete,"

"is everything better now? is life easier?" Patrick asked as he dipped a french fry into a puddle of ketchup.

"i guess you could say that, i don't know," i replied back as i stared at Josh, "i'd say it is for me," he spoke up, "since i'm not as popular as i used to be there's not as big of a reputation to hold."

they all nodded, "yeah i see what you're saying."

"so how's the relationships going?" i asked as i looked at Pete with a smirk, "i don't know Tyjo, why don't you tell us," he quickly shot back with a grin. he beat me. again. for the 1,000th time.

"how's the relationship going?" i asked Josh as i gently hit his shoulder and he held a thumbs up as his mouth was full of pizza. i gestured over to his hand as in a way of saying "there's your answer". Gee chuckled and so did Patrick.

"but really, how long have you two been dating?"

i thought back to the day, which wasn't so far away, when Josh found me in my dark state of mind. how he dragged me to his house, we both apologized for what we did. and then, i made love with him. my first time ever. and i'm glad it was him. then he asked me that question.

"November 29, 3 days over a week,"


"forgive me for asking, but how's the family situation going?" Gee spoke up and Patrick glared at him, "you don't ask someone that-"

"no, no, it's fine. but i've been living with Josh since my dad caused me to 'go over the edge'," Josh looked up from his pizza and i made eye contact, but quickly lost it. they all nodded sadly, "but i'm just happy my siblings are okay and are safe living with their friends."

"that's good, i'm glad they're safe, and so are you."

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