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i opened my eyes slowly from the bright lights. i looked around and realized i was back in the hospital room, in the same bed. i must've fell asleep. there were two shadow figures outside the curtain talking and i could faintly hear their conversation.

"this is the final results,"

"are you sure these are right?" he sounded scared.

"i'm sorry, Josh."

the doctor placed a hand on Josh's shoulder as he nodded sadly. he opened the curtain and i pretended to be asleep still. Josh sat down in the chair and sighed as he buried his head in his hands. i turned my head slowly and asked quietly, "what happened?"

he jumped slightly and snapped his head up, "n-nothing, i'm just trying to calm down,"

he lied.

"what did the doctor say?"

he stopped fidgeting and froze, "uh,"

i waited quietly as he scratched the back of his neck, "he-"

"oh Tyler, you're awake!" the doctor said from the doorway. i smiled slightly, "yeah. when do you think i'll be able to leave?"

the doctor glanced at Josh as he did the same, "what?" i asked. instead of them answering, the doctor walked over to him, saying something quietly and Josh nodding sadly. the doctor sighed and walked over to me, "i'm sorry Tyler, but you won't be leaving anytime soon."

"what? why?"

"Tyler, you have cancer."

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