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my hair was still mostly shaven off from when i "ran away", but they still had to shave it all off. today was treatment day. or surgery. or as i like to call it, fml-why-does-this-have-to-happen?

the doctor interrupted my thoughts when he walked in and asked, "are you ready for surgery, Mr. Joseph?"

i nodded hesitantly as i glanced at Josh to see him staring at me. they unlocked my wheels and rolled me down the long hallway, Josh never letting go of my hand until the door separated us.

.:Josh's POV:.

Tyler came back out 4 hours later. they rolled him back into his room, hooked up to a lot more machines than before, and was knocked out. before i went in the room with him, the doctor pulled me aside.

"i just want to let you know that the surgery didn't go as planned,"

"what do you mean? did something happen?"

"his body is shutting down even more than before, Joshua," he whispered, "i hate to tell you this, but i don't think he's going to make it much longer."

my heart stopped and i felt choked up as my eyes started to sting, but i nodded anyways. he moved his hand to my shoulder as i looked at the floor, "we're still going to continue with the treatment though. i'm so sorry Joshua."

"s'okay, you don't have to feel sorry,"

he sadly smiled before walking down the hall into another room for a different patient. i waited until the nurses were out of his room to go inside and close the curtain behind me. it was already dark out and the city lights out the window looked like stars. Tyler would be up there soon.

i shook my head and sat down next to him. he's going to be asleep for a while. how the hell am i supposed to tell someone they don't have long to live? i can't even bring myself to do it. i can't. i don't want to give him more worries than he already does.

i grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers before drifting to sleep.

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