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.:Tyler's POV:.
it's time.

i took the longest shower i could on purpose because i wanted Josh to wait. but when i finally decided it was time to get out, i quickly dried off with a towel and threw on a flowy muscle tee with clean underwear and pants. it felt so good to wash a weeks worth of filthiness away and down the drain. even just to brush my teeth felt amazing. it all especially felt better when Blurry left. he hates love, so when Josh said he loved me, he disappeared. and now it's just me.

i looked around the corner of the door to the bed and saw Josh laying down on his back while looking at something on his phone. when he noticed me leaning up against the doorframe, he dropped his phone quickly and smirked before jumping up. i walked over to him and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips before i returned it back. but this time we kept it going. it started out slowly with just a little tongue here and there until i started to pull on his hair and he moaned in my mouth again. i smiled against his lips whenever he did that. but then it sped up to when he nudged me to his bed with him crawling on top. he quickly ripped off his shirt and went back to kissing my jaw as my hands found their way to his abs and trickled down to his belt. i tugged on it and he got the hint, but was going to play hard to get.

i kept pulling on his belt but he ignored me, so he helped me with my shirt instead and moved to kissing down my neck. he moved one of his hands down to my crotch and traced his fingers along my pants. he smirked as i blushed when my dick twitched.

"don't judge me," i said aloud which caused him to laugh. he continued to lead kisses down my neck and to my chest then going back up to my collarbone and sucking on my skin to leave small purple bruises. i let out a small moan. two can play this game. i ran my fingers up his inner thigh to his crotch and grabbed it, which caused him to yelp and i laughed.

"oh yeah?" he huskily whispered in my ear that sent a chill running down my back. i bit my lips together and nodded my head. he smiled as he sat up and unbuttoned my pants before pulling them off and plopping them on the floor. he rubbed my bulge through my underwear softly which made me whimper.

"god damnit," i cursed, wishing he would just do something already. he pulled off my clean underwear and put that on the floor also before he was taking off his own pants and underwear, leaving us both naked.

i stared at him as he got up to grab lube and a condom. i watched him walk and noticed how he was confident as always, but also fidgeting. he was nervous. Josh ripped the small packet open with his teeth and threw the wrapper in a trash can near by before sliding the condom on himself. he came back over to me and got on the bed, on his knees. i was hesitant at first.

"have you ever done this before?" he asked and i shook my head, "if you don't want to do this, you don't have to,"

"...i want to," i said quietly as Josh nodded. i moved my legs apart and yelped in surprise when he stuck a lubed up finger in my ass. it wasn't bad, it definitely felt weird, but then he added a second, which had more of a stretch than the last.

"you okay?" Josh asked and i nodded, "yeah, i'm good."

moving his fingers in and out, it felt strange but also amazing at the same time. after a minute or so, he then proceeded to add a third finger and i scrunched my face up. it hurt because of the stretch and the weird feeling i've never felt before. a little bit longer and he removed his fingers when he was satisfied and positioning himself with my entrance.

"are you sure about this?" asked Josh again and i nodded, "yeah, just make sure you tell me-!" he went in slightly without telling me, which caused my voice to go up an octave in surprise.

"sorry," he said quietly as he moved in a little bit more, slowly. my eyebrows were still knitted together as i felt tiny beads of sweat on my hairline and my eyes started to water, "are you doing okay?"

i nodded my head as he pushed in a little farther and used more force. i closed my eyes most of the time and enjoyed the pleasure but sometimes i would open them and see Josh with his eyes closed as well, enjoying this as much as i do. i smiled at the thought but tears still stung at my eyes. his breaths eventually were becoming short and heavy from all the thrusts as i kept my eyes squinted shut. then a little farther in and he was there. i could feel my hardened member starting to leak precum and i knew that soon i was going to have to let it out.

he was hitting the right spot so many times with enough force that i held my breath a few seconds and when i let it out, it was a shaky moan, "Josh, i'm getting close."

"i know baby, but try and hold it," he said with his voice becoming shaky too.

"but i can't,"


i took in a breath and tried to focus on not letting it out but that made it worse, "i c-an't do it."

he still pumped harder and harder each time which made it hard for me to try and hold it in. i breathed in through my nose and he closed his eyes as he said, "i love you so much,"

my moans started to get louder and his were getting more shaky. when i finally couldn't hold it any longer, i yelled out his name and a few seconds later, Josh let out a loud moan as his hot liquid filled the condom and mine was already all over his sheets. god damnit now i feel bad. i let out a sigh as i rolled over onto my side and closed my eyes. i felt the bed not dip anymore as Josh stood up and tied the condom and threw it away before he laid across from me. tears were now starting to cloud my vision and Josh was on full alert.

"what happened? did i hurt you?"

i shook my head, "i'm just-happy. that you were the first person who got to do that with me."

he smiled as a tear rolled down my face and he swiped it away with the pad of his thumb. his hazel eyes sparkled, with or without the light, and his face was glossy from the beads of sweat at his hairline. he licked his lips quickly before meeting them with mine for a quick few seconds. i was so exhausted and i'm sure he was too.

"you're gonna have to wash your sheets, sorry about that," i spoke up as he glanced down at his hands and laughed quietly. he was so cute. he looked back up and took in a breath.

"Tyler Robert Joseph, will you be my boyfriend?" he asked and i smiled as i glanced over at him, who was biting his lip. i nodded as i felt my heart skip a beat, "yes i will Joshie." he laughed, "please don't call me that,"

"okay, Jishwa,"

"god i love you Tyler,"

"i love you too, Josh."

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