Warning Label/Ch 1: Crazy Sam

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Trigger warning: this story contains depression, self-harm, suicide references, violence/blood/gore, abuse references, alcohol addiction, drug use, and eating disorder references. It also contains mild language and a bit of twisted romance. If you can't safely handle that, back out now please and do not read this story.

Also, every chapter has a song at the end. I do recommend them but they are not necessary to enjoy the story. And thanks for reading this. Enjoy the story. - author


update: there is a playlist for all the songs on Spotify, it is of course always being edited. I'm including all of the songs mentioned at the end of the chapters, as well as others that fit. Finally getting back to this, hope y'all are still here. - author

"Hey! No! Let me out! I swear I'm not crazy! Stop! Don't put me in there! Let me go!" A girl shouted as mental asylum staff pushed her into a room with a steel door. "Sure, Ms. Amaranth." The nurse said as she locked the door and left.

The girl slumped down onto the floor. She struggled to be free of her stark white straitjacket. Alas, her efforts were in vain. Samantha L. Amaranth was completely trapped. She looked up at the ceiling and waited for the staff to come back and deliver her sentence. 'How long were they going to keep her here? What were they going to do to her? Why did they have any right to hold her captive in this hellhole?' The more Samantha thought, the more anxious she got.

She began to hum to herself in an attempt to calm her nerves. She sat on the floor cross-legged, teetering around while she hummed and watched the clock on the wall. Her humming turned to singing. Samantha heard footsteps down the hall, but could not see out of her window.'

A nurse came to her door and opened it. "Hello Samantha. I've come with your new treatment plan. You'll be seeing a new psychiatrist and he'll prescribe you what he feels you need. I've already spoken to him, I think you'll like him. Your first session is at 6:00 this evening." She said with a gentle smile.

"Sure, that's all fine and good, but can you let me out of this thing?" She said, gesturing to her straitjacket with her movable body parts. "No, I'm afraid not. So sorry." The nurse said as she shook her head. "Why not?!" Samantha raised her voice. "Do you have any idea how annoying this is?" "No my dear, I don't. I cannot let you out of that jacket because you may hurt yourself or hurt me." The nurse explained. "So? It's not like you'd give a s***." Samantha replied sarcastically. "You'd best watch your mouth, Ms. Amaranth. I'm sure your new doctor wishes to be respected, as do I. You're almost 19, you should know better." The nurse said, waving her finger at the girl in the straitjacket. "Yeah, okay. Fine. Be that way. Anything else you wish to tell me?" She asked, attempting to stand up. "Nope. That's all Samantha; however, you're allowed outside, with supervision of course, for an hour. Would you like to go?" The nurse asked. "Yes. Thank you." Samantha replied walking forward and turning around so that the nurse could unlock her jacket.

The short, blonde nurse set her free and let her out the door. Outside was a playground with a sandbox, swing set, and slide. 'What are we, 9?' She asked herself as she walked towards the red swing. She saw a younger boy sitting on the blue swing next to her.

"Hey, I've heard of you! You're Crazy Sam! You've done everything that could kill you and you haven't died! You belong here more than we do!" The boy shouted laughing. "Excuse me? Who are you?" Samantha asked, mildly annoyed. "I'm Joey Sham. I'm in for assaulting multiple police officers! They said I should be in juvie, but apparently I'm insane so now I'm here!" He yelled enthusiastically. "Uh, good to know..." She muttered. "How old are you?" He asked her. "18." She said, swinging slowly, looking down at the ground. "Wow, you're old! I'm 13." He said laughing. "Wow, you're young!" Samantha replied in a mocking tone. Joey just laughed some more. "So, do you know what they're gonna do to you yet? I mean, what are they planning? How are they gonna fix ya?" He asked, beginning to swing along with her. "I've been assigned to a new psychiatrist who plans to give me meds. He's also going to act as my therapist, so I actually have to talk to him." She replied, sighing. "Ooh, good luck. I think I know who you have. I've heard he's scary and only for the seriously ill ones. They must think you're pretty bad.." He said looking at her. She finally looked back and saw him. He had blonde shaggy hair and his eyes looked like chunks of coal. He was stick thin and wore a baggy t-shirt.

"Yeah, I guess they must." She replied. "Well, my hour is up. See you later, Crazy Sam." Joey said as he jumped off the swing set and was taken back inside.

(A/N: I'll be giving a song that suits every chapter. This one is "Milk and Cookies" by Melanie Martinez)

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