Ch 11: Enjoy Your Stay

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Samantha awoke to the harsh smell of Lysol and blinding white lights. "Why am I here?" She asked groggily. She looked around the room and saw nobody. A hospital nurse walked past her and Samantha called out to her. "Excuse me? Miss?" "Hello, how can I help you?" The blonde nurse asked, walking up to Samantha's bed. "Hi. Can you tell me why I'm here?"

The blonde nurse frowned as she looked at the chart at the end of Samantha's bed. "You stabbed yourself in the chest in an attempt to end your life. I'm so sorry you're in so much pain." She said, shaking her head. "I'll go get the doctor for you." The nurse walked away while Samantha pulled her sheets slightly down to reveal where she had stabbed herself. There was a bloodstained, white bandage on it. She hadn't remembered a thing. How had she managed that? She shed a few tears, knowing they'd put her under intense observation. Being watched was a feeling she often had, but she hated when she could actually confirm it. She hoped they'd just send her back to the asylum and leave her alone. A tall, redheaded female doctor came into the room. "Hello Ms. Amaranth. How are you feeling? I know you've been through a lot." She said sweetly. "Uh, on a pain scale I'm about a 5. On an emotional scale, I'm just really scared and confused.." Samantha replied, wiping away a tear from her eye. "I'm so sorry. Someone you know is here to see you. Do you wish to see her?" The doctor asked. "Sure." Samantha replied, sighing.

Jenny walked in with some yellow daisies. "Hi Samantha. How are you doing? I heard about what happened..." She said placing the flowers on Samantha's bed. "Hey Jenny. I think you're the only person I want to see right now..." Samantha groaned. Jenny smiled a little in sympathy. "It's happened to me too, Samantha. I tried to overdose on pain pills a couple years ago. That's actually why I'm at Oakwood." Jenny admitted. "You've been at the asylum for two years?" Samantha asked. This is one thing that Jenny hadn't told her. "Yeah. I have. In and out, but not much time in between. I'm real sick of it, but I doubt I'll ever get out for good." She replied, rolling her eyes. "Sure you will. We'll both get out. It can be our New Year's resolution. And then when we get out, we'll celebrate." Samantha said, smiling. She didn't seem to be affected by her situation at all. Jenny made her forget all her problems. They'd be best friends until they died. They both swore to it when they met. "Can't wait." Jenny said, giving her best friend a gentle hug. She walked over to the doctor.

"Are you going to release her back to Oakwood?" Jenny asked. "In a couple days we will. Don't worry sweetheart, your friend will be just fine." The doctor replied, red lips stretching into a smile. "Okay." She replied walking back to Samantha. "They said they have to keep you here for another two days, but then you'll be with me again." Jenny said with a sad smile. Samantha shook her head and shed a few more tears. She cried in her best friend's arms for a minute or two. Then the doctor dismissed Jenny to go back to the asylum with the nurse who brought her to the hospital. Samantha was soon moved to a room designed for those under suicide watch.

As the hours passed, Samantha missed home.

"(*girl*)I wanted to go home. I really wished I could go home. And then I thought, you can't go home. Your home is so long ago and so far away."

She recited the spoken word at the beginning of a song. She continued to sing the next parts and then went back to spoken word.

" (*girl*)I wanted to open myself up and get it all out somehow. To slit my wrists or take off my own head. No, I would never. Don't worry..." She sat alone and sang the song. Until it ended.

"(*girl*)I really thought I was going insane. (*boy* )What do you think it would feel like to go insane? (*girl*)Like falling...into nothing..(*echo fading*)into nothing...into nothing. Can we not talk about losing my mind?"

Samantha heard the fireworks outside. People were celebrating and she wanted to enjoy it, but she couldn't.

(a/n: sorry that you all won't know this one, but I highly recommend it. Riddle for the Wrist Cutter by Astorian Stigmata)

(a/n: i think this song was removed from Spotify *sad face*, so it won't be in the playlist. It's on Youtube though. Just search it and it'll be there.) 

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