Ch 21: Devils

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Dr. Lecter arrived home at 5:00 in the evening. He was not pleased to find Samantha passed out on the kitchen floor, but despite his displeasure he picked her up and gently put her on the couch. Then, he began to cook dinner. He really craved his favorite dish and just had to prepare it for him to enjoy with Samantha at dinner. Usually he would serve liver and fava beans with a nice chianti, but Samantha clearly had a problem with alcohol, judging from the empty wine bottle on the counter. He had recently taken care of a rude census taker, so he could consume his liver for dinner.

Hannibal Lecter loved to cook elegant meals, especially when these meals involved human beings. Quite often, he didn't tell his guests what they were eating, because he knew they would not approve. When he had finished, Samantha was waking up. He did not want to frighten her just yet, so he remained calm. "Good evening Samantha."

-Samantha's P.O.V-

I blinked a few times, adjusting my eyes to the lighting. My head hurts something fierce... stupid hangover. I looked up and saw Hannibal standing in the entryway into the kitchen. "Good evening..." I replied, forcing myself into smiling. "Dinner is ready, Ms. Amaranth." He said motioning to the table. "Thank you, Dr. Lecter." I said as I cautiously arose from the couch and walked into the dining room. Two place settings were neatly placed on the table and the meal sat on a large platter at the center. Sparkling water filled both glasses and the napkins were folded in triangles. "What is the occasion for all of this?" I asked, stunned by the meal (and a bit off kilter from the alcohol). "There is no need for an occasion. I prepare meals like this quite often. It is one of my favorite things to do." Dr. Lecter replied. 'Hmm.. he likes to cook. I wonder what his other hobbies are.' I thought.

We sat down to eat. The entire dinner was practically silent. He didn't say much to me and I couldn't really talk to him without him prompting me first. Despite the lack of words spoken between the two of us, many looks were exchanged. I cannot bring my mind off of his eyes, such unrelenting icy blue spheres, yet I could not look into them too long. I feared I would get lost or something of the sort. Something in my mind alerted me that he knows what I did today. I don't know if it was the unusually frigid expression he wore or something in the air around us. I didn't know why but I was afraid of him. I wondered what he could do and what he would do. I don't know why I was so afraid of him at that very moment in time, but I was terrified and wanted to run.

"Ms. Amaranth, since we are done with dinner, I think we should have a session." He said. 'Oh no.. he's going to find out. He's going to make me answer to him, even if I don't want to. He sees right through me all the time.' "Yes, Dr. Lecter.." I replied. He led me into the office he had in his home and sat in a fine chair across from a very nice couch. Everything this man had was classy and well kept. Does this man have any flaws? Any faults? Any secrets? He seems much too perfect. I sat down cautiously on the couch. I no longer had my straitjacket and I wondered why my first thought wasn't to harm myself as I had done before. This did; however, mean that he could now always know if any scars looked fresher than the others did. This made me afraid too. Why did this man have to be so... present in my mind? It's like I cannot escape.

Dr. Lecter looked at me the way he always did during our sessions. It was as if he was trying to literally see through me. Then he spoke the words I dreaded hearing. "Ms. Amaranth, I must regret to inform you that I notice that you have consumed my wine. I assume this occurred while I was away at work. I came home to find you unconscious on the kitchen floor. What do you have to say about this incident?" He looked at me and spoke sternly. I spilled every thought. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking at all. I have a problem, I know. I was really feeling bad and I didn't take my meds. I'm so sorry for what I did. I hope you aren't too disappointed, but I know you are. I am so very sorry, Dr. Lecter." The guilt had left my body now that I confessed, but it was quickly replaced with fear when he just continued to look at me.

He grabbed my hand in his. "I appreciate your honesty." What? He was being kind and gentle. And holding my hand, holy crap. Oh god, help me... "You aren't yelling at me..? I thought you would be so angry with me." I said looking down at my hand in his. He hasn't let go yet. He used his other hand to lift up my chin so I would look at him. "Look at me please. I am not angry with you, Samantha. You are ill and you cannot control that. Though I do ask you to take your medications every day from now forward. I must ask, have you harmed yourself?" He said. He seemed understanding. This was a new one; usually he seemed so callous and frigid. "No I have not." I replied, his hand still holding my chin up. His touch brought me an odd feeling. I couldn't get enough.

I had so many devils but this was a new one.

(Issues by Julia Michaels)

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