Face Claims

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Samantha ^^

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Samantha ^^

Samantha ^^

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Jenny ^^

Main Nurse ^^

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Main Nurse ^^

Main Nurse ^^

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Joey ^^

Lauren ^^

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Lauren ^^

(You guys should know what Hannibal Lecter looks like. If you don't, wow I'm very disappointed. Look him up.)

(Yes, I realize that since it's 2021 there are now multiple versions of him that all vary in appearance. I've modeled him after the original Silence of the Lambs Hannibal, only because that's what I'm used to, but whatever floats your boat is fine guys.)

(And yes, I also realize that the face claims may not accurately portray the characters with their mental issues like anxiety, OCD, depression etc. and physical manifestations of them such as scars and eating disorders. This is not glorifying, glamorizing or making the issues seem "cool" or "popular". This is merely giving faces to names and personalities, so that you can imagine the story better or insert yourself/"be" one of the characters if you wish. Thanks.)

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