Final Days: Chapter 1

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Dee's POV:

Finally I get my lazy ass off the couch and make my way to the front door of my house.

As I walk out I quickly look up at the clear blue sky and just breathe in slowly and close my eyes.

I then walk down my driveway surrounded by nothing but tall trees. I then decide to quickly make my way to my secret hiding spot in the woods.

As soon as I get there I take my earphones out of my jean pocket and plug them into my phone. I also take my book bag off and open one of the pockets to find my book I have been dying to finish and sit on a log near the dirty lake. I than just start to gaze into my book.

But just as I got to the good part in the book a few memories flash through my mind like comets and completely distract me to the point I forget all about the book. So I'm just sitting there fake reading a book and just thinking of memories.

One of the memories was a flashback to how my life was before I ever moved to Pennsylvania with my dad to a town that made me feel like I was an outsider. But anyways cutting to the chase I kept thinking about how my family was happily eating dinner at the table together with both my parents and my sisters and older brothers.

I still can't get over the fact that my parents split up and basically the whole family went separate ways I moved with my dad. Then my older sister Shabria and my mom stayed in Long Valley with Ant, Vic and Alexa (older bros Anthony 20 & Victor 22)   (Alexa is 8 years old)  But later Shabria with her warm heart decided to not leave her sister all alone with her dad. So she came and moved to PA about 3 weeks after I did!

But then randomly another set of old memories overwhelmed my mind. This time they were about how close I was with these two boys who lived only 3 blocks away from my old house. We were best friends since kindergarten but we lost contact when I was forced to move with my dad.  It sucks that I had to move to PA when I was 11 I felt and still feel like I didn't belong in a small town like where I'm living now!  But anyways those boys have probably already forgotten about me by now, now that it's been over 6 years! My mom one time told me how they were like social media famous and internet famous and everything so I wouldn't be surprised if they forgot about me.

30 mins later 9:30 pm

I walk back home and it's dark outside so instead of going over my friends house I go to my room and finish packing my things.

I then walk up the stairs slowly but then hear footsteps walking up behind me.

It creeps me out so I turn around and yell at my dad and say "dad stop following me it's weird!!"

"I just wanted to come up and say goodnight before I go back to work , love you!" He quickly replied

" Sorry and goodnight, love you dad!" I yell as he than hurries down the stairs to go to work.

1 hour later

" I'm finally don't packing! Thank God!" I yell out to an empty house

" I wish Bri (shabria) wasn't over her boyfriends house! We could be watching some fucking funny YouTube videos or something, but no of course Alex always comes first! Always!" I think to myself.

So I then grab my MacBook and go on YouTube and look up funny vine compilations. Shortly after I then click on the first video that popped up and yeah well you know what's next... I watched it 😊

But less than 5 mins into the video awkwardly I noticed 3 of the vines had unusually familiar faces. I then scroll down and read the comments and one person said

"Wow the Dolan twins are so fucking hot! What the fuck is life?!"

Another said "the Dolan twins can't only be 17, your lying!!!!"

And another girl commented on it and said

"Ikr the vine where they were doing that song by Becky G was funny as hell!!"

And then in clicked to me!!!! My mom wasn't just bragging about her friends kids just to try and lure me into moving in with... As if I wasn't already 😂 but they were actually no joke really internet famous what the hell!

And out of no where i scream out loud " Oh shit, now I remember who they are... They're Ethan and Grayson Dolan!"

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