💙 Different Love ❤️

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[ A/N: hellooo~ my name is eiz and i'll be here with y'all for the next 4 chapters or so. i am a child of god but it never hurts a little to write something juicy about your fantasies with your papi chulo cumming (who am i kidding, i write fluff and softcore smut) also i like to have gifs at the beginning just for fun lol, btw i'm not the best writer out there and my friend obliviously exaggerated, so yeah ]

 i am a child of god but it never hurts a little to write something juicy about your fantasies with your papi chulo cumming (who am i kidding, i write fluff and softcore smut) also i like to have gifs at the beginning just for fun lol, btw i'm not...

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Bri's POV

"Please just don't follow me"

Those five words were the last thing I had said to Grayson before I ran upstairs and locked myself inside my room as I cried my eyes out.

There was little hope in me, that he didn't listen to me and actually ran after me. But sadly he didn't. Which made me feel worse about myself. About five minutes into what seemed eternity of me crying, Casey had finally knocked on my door saying Grayson had left. He had left because of his girlfriend called.

I don't even know why I'm making myself suffer. Having feelings for a guy who has a girlfriend, who matter of fact is my friend. She might be a bitch but also a friend.

I've been walking around the school hallway dazed, looking like a walking corpse, with this outfit i'm wearing and messy bun. Honestly I'd love to dig my own grave at this point.

I couldn't stop thinking about Grayson since the incident. As of right now I've been hearing his voice call out my name inside my head. AM I GOING CRAZY!

"Bri!" Someone had called out my name, snapping me out of my current thoughts about Grayson.

I looked back to see the one person I didn't want to see. Grayson.

I stopped, wanting to talk with him but my feet had came up with another plan and that was to bolt my way out of his sight. I ran into the nearest bathroom, hoping he got the memo that I obviously didn't want talk him nor see him really ever again.

But I soon realized there was at least a minute till the bell rings for second period and I won't be able to avoid Grayson for long. Since his girlfriend so happens to be in my second period.

I have to face my greatest fear of seeing Grayson.

I walked out of the bathroom but first a double checked in the mirror to see if i looked alive enough instead of a dead corpse.

I was walking down the hallway back to my classroom, only to have a sharp pain feeling in my chest as I saw Grayson and Linnaya kissing. Mouth to mouth contact, it's as if they were devouring each other.

God, why?

Grayson was the first part from the intense kiss but Linnaya wanted more and Grayson wouldn't budge once he saw me.

"B-Bri..." he tried to stop me but Linnaya had stopped him instead.

"Babe, c'mon don't you want more kisses?" she had her arm cling onto Grayson's arm.

I looked down, "yeah babe don't you want more kisses," I mimicked Linnaya quietly before I entered the classroom and as if on cue the bell rang. Making Grayson head to his classroom.

Casey's POV

The day has gone rather quickly, it's already third period and there's only one class left and then I can finally leave this hell hole we call school.

I looked to my side to see Bri staring at a book. I thought she was reading but for the past half hours she's been staring at the same page.

"Bri," I nudged her but she wouldn't look at me.


The bell rang, signaling it was time for lunch. Bri was still out of it.

"Casey, Bri!" I heard Ethan call out our names but I was the only one that stopped and waited for him catch up. While Bri just kept on walking.

"Hey....What's up with Bri?" Ethan asked and the only thing i could respond with was a shrug.

I wish I knew.

"Here," he roamed through his pants pocket only to have a piece of paper and then handed it to me.

I opened to see a small note.

Will you go out on a date with me Saturday?

Yes                        Definitely Yes

As I read the small note, a small smile made its way onto my lips. I took out a pen from my pocket and circled my answer.

Definitely Yes


eiz : well goddamn, i had to finish this by sunday so i tried to stay up till 3am on saturday but failed. so i finished it sunday morning. hope you liked it ❤️👍🏼

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