🙀Snapchat Me that...😽

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Chapter 8

(Sorry I realized that the last chapter i wrote was long so I just decided to make this chapter a new chapter!)

*****Also warning this chapter is going to be relatively short and very brief because IDK I just think that with my experience reading other fanfics and shit I just want to cu to the chase and read the juicy things yah know!! Ctfu!*****

Casey's POV

I noticed my sister's mood shifted from it natural high to an ultimate low in less than seconds. After her mood and facial expression changed completely because of seeing Grayson with his girlfriend she ran out of the cafe. I of course followed her and tried my best to help her but Grayson interrupted. She just decided to push and throw me aside and yell at me. So I just walk out the door.

I stayed at the water fountain barely 10 feet away from the door leading to the stairway to keep watch and make sure no one dared to intrude in their conversation. I heard them both yelling. Bri seemed as though she was screaming from the top of her lunges just to match his loud deep voice. They kept yelling and all of a sudden it got dead silent. So I walk to the door and see that they were getting a little close to eachother , a little more than usual.

They were literally making out in the freakin stairway. I was shocked. I thought Bri had higher standards lol. Guess I thought wrong. I turned away from the window on the door and stood with my back to the door. Two minutes later I peak through the window and notice they were having a sweet moment. There foreheads were entwined together it was cute and they seemed to be mumbling things to each other.It seemed like less than a few seconds later they were making their way down the stairs. So i literally run full force down the other side of the hall way and hide behind the corner.

They walked down the other end of the hall way together and once I noticed it was safe and that I wouldn't get caught eavesdropping I sprinted to the cafe and just sat down next to Ethan.

Oh and the girl whose Grayson's girlfriend just so happens to be Linnaya. The girl who bullied me so much during school when I was younger i cut myself and ran away and refused to go to school everyday. What a coincidence right?

*About 4 hours later*

The bell rings and finally I'm out of this hell hole. I find Ethan and we walk to the car and wait for Bri and Grayson. A few mins. Later the both of them get in the back seat because i proudly stole the passenger seat from Grayson. Crazy thing is he didn't even notice or care that he was sitting in the back seat since he was looking at Bri the whole ride home.

Ethan drops us off and we both just go to our rooms. As soon as I get in my room i plop myself on my bed and take out my phone. I went on instagram and posted a picture of me and Bri in the bathroom mirror we took before school. I then get up and go to my closet and put on a pair of black tight nike shorts and a light pink crop top. I go to my dresser and pick up these glasses that I bought for literally no other reason then that they were cute and took my burgundy polo hat and put them on.

Dad hat👇🏽

Dad hat👇🏽

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