Love sick?🤔

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The song is completely random but I like it so 😜

Also the pic of Grayson was literally me while I was writing this. I just woke up from a nap 😂

Chapter 13 

(5 days later)

Bri's POV

I walk down the stares half awake and almost face plant into the rugged floor on the last step. Thank god I caught myself by pushing myself up into a push up position parallel to the floor.

Casey comes running to the wall dividing the hallway to the kitchen and picks her head out and just stands there laughing.

"Well thanks for fucking trying to help me get up!" I yell out pissed at the sad excuse of a sister I have.

"Ohhhh yeah haha!" She says while shortly after running to help me up.

"No don't touch me! I can help myself asshole!" I blurt out while shoving her hands off of me as I get up.

When I was completely up I looked down at my knee that was scratched from rug burn. It wasn't bleeding but it hurt like hell. I just shoved the pain to the side and finished walking to the kitchen. I opened the fridge while whipping my snouty nose with my hand.
I began to cough repeatedly while searching for some milk. I couldn't find it, and this just made me more and more angry every second I kept looking for it!

"Casey do you know where the freakin milk is?" I yell out.

There was no response so I yell out again but this time even louder and the tone in my voice got squeaky because my throat was sore. I hear footsteps coming from the stairs so I quickly close the fridge and walk out to see who was storming down the stairs.

It was Anthony.

"Ant do you know where the milk is in this damn fridge? I can't find it!" My voice heightens at the last sentence and my voice squeaked. I held my throat and squinted my eyes in reaction to the harsh pain in my throat.

"Sis are you ok?" Anthony asks me as he comes down from the stairs and Pat's my back giving me a side hug.

"Yeah I'm good, but can you find the milk for me?" I ask trying to mask the fact that I was in actual pain.

"Umm abbbout that, I uhhh used it all last night!" He said as he rubbed his eyes and combed his hand through his hair.

"You guys really know how to fucking piss me off!" I yell pushing him and punching him in the shoulder hard!

I run upstairs and put on my slides, pull my hair up into a pony tail, pick up my jacket and check myself in the mirror. I looked terrible, it was as if I was a freakin walking corpse but oh well! I strut down the stairs again and grab my keys from the rack on the side of the front door and storm away to my car slamming the door behind me.

As I get to my car I get in and switch the ignition and Check my pockets for my wallet. I couldn't find it so I got up out my seat and ran to open the door and walk quickly back up the stairs. I rush into my room yet again and search for my wallet. I find it on my nightstand thank god. I look in the mirror once again and put some Chapstick on to at least bring a little bit of life to my face and walk right back out the door. I walk down the stairs and walk right out the door yet again for another freakin time  slamming it.

I get to my car for a second time and slam that door shut as well and drive my way to the local grocery store.

(About 10 mins later)

As I drive into a parking space I notice a car in the parking lot that looked relatively familiar
But I payed no mind. I turned the radio that was blasting in my car off and turned my car off and opened the door. I locked the doors and walked into Sammy's (the grocery store) I first walked to the isle where the milk would be. I yet again ironically search for milk. I pick up a gallon of whole milk and put it in the basket.

I decided to go and ask where the cough medicine.

I found a lady and asked "Hey can you tell me where the cough medicine might be?"

"Yes right over there in isle 9." The woman replies pointing over at the isle furthest to the right.

"Thank you so much." I say with a smile on my face. It felt weird cuz I haven't smiled all day 😂

"No problem hope you feel better!" She kindly replied.

"Aww thanks!" I say yet again smiling and this time laughing. Wow that was weird.

"Ughhhh that is such a hike" I mumble to my self walking all the way to the isle.

I pick up some Strawberry halls and NyQuil. I figured it would also be a good idea to get some cereal since I was unsure if the doglike people I call my siblings have eaten all of that as well.

I search for the isle and finally find it, and guess what I see!

No guess who I see!

Grayson FUCKIN Dolan! My luck I haven't seen him for almost a week and of course I have to see him the day I look like someone just dug me out the god damn ground and brushed the dirt off. I looked like a dang Vampire!

I stand there contemplating whether I should go down it or not. A few seconds later my legs just start walking so fuck it.

I put my hood up quickly and walked with my head down. I found my favorite cereal Captain Crunch so I grabbed and tried to walk away swiftly. But I was unsuccessful.

I turned around and bumped into what felt like a brick wall. It hurt so bad that I just fell to the ground.

What could I have bumped in?

Who was it?

What was it?


To be continued😉😘

If there's any errors I'm sorry... I'm not perfect and I'm lazy so I don't feel like reading it over multiple times to find errors! 😬😀

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