😉Playing Dirty😉

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Chapter 10
Playing Dirty

This update is boring Ik but the next will be better I promise!!

*The girls are still at the Twins house and are in the pool with Ethan waiting for Grayson for about 15 mins*

Casey's POV

Bri and I were just chillin with Ethan in the pool for a few minutes and Grayson comes out of the house with a Volleyball in his hand.

Shortly after we noticed him standing there just staring he says"You guys maybe wanna play Volleyball?" while clearly giving all of his attention to Bri. He even bit his lip seductively and I could tell she was just melting inside.

"Yeah sure boys vs. Girls?" I yell out trying to selfishly grab everyone's attention.

"Yeah lets do it!" Bri says while giving me a quick suspicious wink.

"If we're going to play volleyball in the pool we're gonna need the net Gray!" Ethan says while laughing sarcastically at Grayson for forgetting.

"Ohhh yeah Eth come help me get it from the garage." Grayson replied.

Ethan got out of the pool and followed Grayson to their garage leaving both Bri and I alone. 

I turned to Bri and say "We're going to win! No matter what! They have no clue what we're capable of." With a big grin on my face revealing that I was way too excited for what was about to unfold.

"Yeah haha too bad they don't know we were co-captains of the volleyball team at our old school!" Bri says with a sly look and voice.

Just as she finished talking the boys came out with a long Volleyball net, and began to set it up in the middle of their long pool. In a few minutes they were completely done setting the net up and they jumped in the pool.

Both Ethan and Grayson looked at each other at the same time and said "This should be easy!" under their breath. They though we didn't hear but we both heard very clearly what they said, but this only made us even more eager to destroy them in this game.

We first started the game off by serving the ball to each other softly. The boys thought it'd be a good idea for us to start with the ball and boy did they think wrong! It was hilarious how both Bri and I kept hitting the ball so fast and hard that they didn't even have enough time to react.

*After the 5th game and 5th win for Bri and Casey*

"Why don't you guys just give up already it's getting dark outside and colder and colder by the minute." I say sarcastically getting them enraged.

"No we're going to beat you guys!!" Ethan yells out in a stern and strong voice that made it seem like he was truly getting angry at the fact that us girls fooled them.

I was utterly shocked that he got so offended but I didn't feel bad because they set themselves up.

"Ethan this is getting boring just get over it they won!" Grayson says trying to lighten up the tension that was flying through the air surrounding Ethan.

"Yeah bro you're right. Sorry Case I didn't mean to
get so mad! I just don't like to lose." Ethan says while going under the net and coming up to me and pulling me into a tight hug.

I wrapped my arms around him and whispered in his ears "It's alright babe."

Out of shock he lets go of the hug and gives me a big smile as if he was embarrassed and winks at me making my insides melt because he was so cute when he winks.

Right after we all got out of the pool, while Ethan and I dried off as Gray and Bri took down the net.

Suddenly Miss Dolan came out from inside the house and said "you guys should come in for some pizza."

We all agreed and Ethan and I waited for Grayson and Bri to dry off. Soon after they were done Ethan grabbed my arm and pulled me into go up stairs to his room.

Honestly I have to say his room is surprisingly clean for a boy. As a matter of fact his room is even cleaner than mine, but anyways I sat down on his bed and he went to his dresser and grabbed me a sweatshirt of his. I put it on and just wore the shorts I wore here.

Shortly after we were done getting changed we walked down the stairs to see 3 boxes of pizza on the dining room table. The pizza smelled so good  that I couldn't handle myself I just ran to the table and got myself a slice. I didn't even notice everyone was dizzying down looking at me in complete shock.

I looked back to see Ethan laughing at me so I say "what? I was hungry and the pizza was just so tempting! It smelled so good I had to!" While also laughing.

"For being a tiny girl you sure can eat!" Miss Dolan yells out distracting me.

"Sit down honey there's plenty for you to eat so don't hurry!" Miss Dolan also said causing me to laugh out uncontrollably.

"I'm so sorry! Thanks miss Dolan,this pizza is so good!" I say while leaning my head down out of embarrassment as I sat down across from Bri and Gray.

Ethan plopped himself right next to me and put his left hand on my thigh causing me to laugh.

Less than 10 mins later I was completely stuffed after eating 3 slices of pizza. Everyone else was finished and we helped Miss Dolan clean up. After we were done cleaning up Bri and I followed the boys to the living room.

I sat next to Ethan of course and she sat next to Gray.

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