KISMET Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Back at the office I tried to focus on work. I put my headphones on, listening to the radio via the internet.

"Shannon," Tanya said.

"What?" I said removing the earphones.

"Dave is back, ask him about that bloke," she said.

"I've decided not to, I think it is best if I forget all about it," I said. In reality I had thought what is the point in finding out about a bloke who I don't stand a snow balls chance in hell with. I may as well save myself the grief and continue to count the minutes until I can go home and fall into a nice little coma on the sofa.

"Oh ok, do you want a drink? I am going to make one," she said.

"Yes please," I said as I passed her my mug and she ventured off to the kitchen.

My boss was due back at any minute so I focused on checking his diary and papers. I knew he would call me in for an update. Just bloody typical that one of the papers had colour charts in it and got stuck in the printer so I had to take it apart and fish around for the imaginary piece of paper it told me was in there. I lost my temper in the end and swore at it through gritted teeth and stuck my two's up at it!

"This delightful young lady telling off the printer as per usual is my PA Shannon," I heard my boss Trevor saying behind me.

I turned biting my lip and ready to apologise but my breath caught in my throat. Liam again!

He smiled. "We've already met," he said laughing gently. "Having problems?" he asked.

"You could say that I was having one of those days and really should have called in sick," I replied and giggled at the absurdity of it all.

"Well I am glad you didn't," he said sincerely and I felt my jaw drop open in shock.

"Alright who has broke the printer and jammed the photocopier," Mick complained behind me. "Shannon!"

"I didn't break it. Both the printer and copier keep refusing to work with me. I am thinking of reporting them to Human Resources because I am feeling bullied now! I don't care if they are machines and don't have feelings, I do!" I said to Mick. "Plus I think I might need some therapy because every time I go near them I get Tourettes."

"Any excuse Shannon," Mick said as my boss Trevor and Liam watched.

"It is not an excuse... can I punch Mick?" I asked Trevor. "Not enough to leave a mark just a good smack with my fist in his face to teach him some manners? I won't spill any blood on the office carpet I swear."

"No, I need him for this meeting," Trevor said.

"Well can I punch him later?" I asked.

"Yes," Trevor said. "Make it after the meeting so I don't miss it," he said.

"YES!" I said rejoicing.

"That is not fair," Mick complained. "She punches like a bloke, she does boxercise and has 'Eye of the Tiger' on her playlist."

"If you didn't annoy her, you won't have to pay the consequences," Trevor said.

I smiled and hugged Trevor "Trevor you are a very wise and fair man," I said as I walked off sticking my tongue out at Mick.

"Where are you going?" Mick asked. "I thought you were fixing the printer?"

"No, you have upset me and I couldn't possibly work under those conditions," I said smirking at him.

KISMET (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 1) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now