KISMET Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

As I reached for the tissues to clean up I noticed Liam looking concerned.

"Don't worry I am on the pill," I said. "Well it is the implant actually so there is bugger all chance of getting me up the duff," I announced.

"Implant?" he said.

"Yeah, the doctor puts in my arm, it stops my periods too so it's a bonus. Plus I don't want children," I said.

"What never?" he said seeming a bit taken back.

"No, there are enough little babies in this world who are without a mummy so I intend to foster and adopt. I know 'how very Angelina of me' but I had this plan from childhood much to my parents dismay so she is copying me. I have never felt the urge to reproduce just so my parents can have grandchildren or so I don't feel left on the shelf. I am just working to get myself financially secure and then I am going to become a foster mum. That is my plan and it is not altering for anyone," I said waiting for him to say the same as everyone else.

"What is that look for?" he asked.

"I am just waiting for you to say the same as everyone else," I explained.

"Which is?" he asked.

"Why would you want to foster or adopted when you can have your own? Why take on somebody elses children when they are probably going to be total horrors and terrorise me blah di blah. Same old bull shit. Kids are kids and they just need a safe, loving and comforting environment to call home. Not some money grabbing scrounger who only takes them in for the dosh and treats them like shit, no kisses or cuddles, no bedtime stories or fun days out, no birthday parties or sleep over with friends, no making their dreams come true with pony rides or trips to Disney land or buying them a toy just to see the smile on their face, decorating their room to their taste with their favourite cartoon character bedspread. I could never be one of those foster parents. I wouldn't kick them out the minute times get rough because kids will test you especially the ones who have been tested themselves throughout their lives and have been through hell. I have a great family and I can't wait to share that with some kids who need a break, a home and a mummy. Plus they would get the rest of my family as support. Even if fostering is just until their parents get sorted or they get adopted. Did you know that most of them just get passed from one home to the next. It is sad. Mine are going to be loved, spoilt and adored," I said getting carried away with myself.

He stared at me for a while. "What age you going for?" he asked.

"I'm not ageist, racist or sexist. If a kid needs a home, even for a weekend and I can help, I will do it," I said.

"What if they need to stay for longer?" he asked.

"They can stay as long as they like. My sister always jokes that if I live in Rio de Janiero I would take in all the street children. I would have to be a billionaire though with a mansion!" I said giggling.

"So you have planned Rio just in case you win the lottery?" he said smiling.

"Yes, and other places. I would take in all the stray cats and dogs too. Oh and orang-utans... I love them!" I said.

He laughed, "Anything else?"

"Well ideally I would like to have a big farm type complex which is like sheltered housing for the elderly because they need looking after too and a rescue centre for animals. The elderly would live on the farm and also help run it by caring for the animals. Plus if I have acres of land I can rescue poorly horses. Animals are very therapeutic to the elderly and children. Plus horses have beautiful eyelashes. Oh and I want a barn raising as they sound cool, we could all cook pies...." I stopped as he was looking at me strangely. "What?" I asked.

KISMET (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 1) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now