KISMET Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

We barely had time to stop and announce our engagement as we were moving house.

We told Louisa and Tyson who were down stairs waiting. Louisa had obviously told Tyson I found the box as he when I walked in Tyson's eyes went straight to Liam's with concern.

I held my hand up and wiggled my fingers. Louisa screamed with excitement and ran to grabbed my hand for a closer look then hugged me as much as our bumps would allow.

"Congrats," Tyson said kissing my cheek and then bear hugging his brother. "Told you not to throw it away," he mumbled in Liam's ear but I overheard.

"I am so happy for your both," Louisa said, "Especially you!" she said grabbing Liam's face a planting a big kiss on his lips.

Something told me I needed to investigate this further but for now I just wrapped my arms around my fiancé and held him.

"Right lets get my family moved in," Liam said. Pecking me on the lips before going off with Tyson to sort things.

"So how do you feel?" Louisa asked.

"A bit weird but strangely settled like its another piece of the puzzle clicked into place. I notice you were all a bit funny about it though so I guess if I am honest that is what is making me feel weird," I said clearing the air.

"Sorry," Louisa said placing her hand on my arm apologetically. "It's just when you... well ok I'll start at the beginning. Liam has never been one to show his feelings. He is so guarded and seeing him with you is like seeing another person, he comes to life and he chose to let his guard down with you. He has never done that before not even with us. Tyson adores his brother and was so excited when Liam told him he was going to propose and they went to buy the ring. He had it all planned and knew you were the one he wanted to spend his life with. You allowed him to forget his past and build a future. He wanted nothing more than that but it all went wrong. You were left for dead by his biological father because he wanted to get back at Liam for changing his name to McKendry. Your family blamed him but not before he blamed himself. He wanted to ask you to marry him, to promise to love and protect you always but because of who he is you nearly died. Your family lashing out at him in anger was only to be expected because they love and care for you but so does he. Your sister brought around the stuff and told him that if he loved you he would stay away. He agreed with her. He said she was right that he was not good enough for you and you deserved better. He would sneak into the hospital at night just to see you for a few minutes and he hates hospitals but every time he saw you he also saw the marks his father had left on you and he knew what it felt like to be on the receiving end of that, it cut him up. He also knew that his father hadn't been caught so there was a chance he would go after you again. The only way his father wouldn't was if he acted like he was over you. He took himself as far as way from here as he could. His work abroad was all that kept him sane. Tyson flew out to see him and called home to speak to Bob. Bob flew out on the next flight. I don't know why but in the end they all came home together and Liam had lost so much weight. He looked awful. Tyson wouldn't talk to me about it cos it upset him too much. Liam came home and Tyson spent more time with him than me. He took time off from work and Bob took him to the gym training to build himself back up again. He was drunk nine times out of ten," she got teary eyed as she remembered something and bit her lip.

"I need to know," I told her encouragingly.

"Cilla and I snuck in once to check on him as no one had heard from him and he wasn't answering the phone or door. We crept in and the place was a mess. Cilla signalled for us to sneak upstairs and see if he was asleep. So we did," tears fell as she carried on. "He was curled up on the bed asleep, cuddling your picture, the one out of the box. He looked so lost and heartbroken. Cilla signalled for me to go get Bob as she crept onto the bed and cuddle up behind him. He had drank himself to sleep so didn't wake. I ran across the road to get Bob and we ran back. Bob ran in and up those stairs so fast. He banged the light on in the room and Tyson followed after us. The contents of your box were all over the bed. Tyson looked like he'd seen him like this before and so did Bob. Cilla noticed too and screamed blue murder at them. She was furious they had hidden how bad he was from her. She had tried to stay out of it and leave the boys to sort him out but after that she refused to let him out of her sight. She moved across here with him in the guest room and he was furious with her but she said better to be angry with me than yourself, you are not to blame. He refused to speak to her for weeks but she said it was better he focused on hating her for the minute than to focus on the past he had lost. We tried taking him out to socialise but he just got hammered and was rude to people. Cilla said he finally broke down crying when she was pottering about and playing her music. It was a cd of old standards and Frankie Laine came on singing Answer Me. Liam told her the words were how he felt right at the moment. She listened to it again later with me and we both burst into tears. We had never heard it like that before and.... Do you know it?" She asked.

KISMET (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 1) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now