KISMET Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The next morning I woke feeling like absolute crap. I staggered to the bathroom went for a wee, guzzled water from the tap, brushed my teeth and got into the shower. Sat on the floor in the shower as I was reminded of my head injury when I went to wash my hair and the pain of discovering it was immense. I got out of the shower to force myself to be sick with the help of two fingers down my throat because there was no way I was feeling like this all day. Wrapped myself in a towel and went back to my bedroom. Curled into the foetal position in the middle of the bed feeling awful and sorry for myself. I was asleep in seconds.

"Shannon," I heard my name called as I started to stir.

"What?" I groaned.

"Are you ok?" I heard.

"Mmm," I lied. I felt awful.

"Ohh that bad hey," Liam said.

I opened my heavy tired eyes, "Oh my god don't look at me, I look awful," I said hiding my face with my hands.

"You look adorable," he said as he stroked my arm. "You are freezing, come on get back into bed and get warm," he said.

I tried to move. "You're always telling me off for being cold....Oh Fuck I feel like crap... do you believe in euthanasia?" I asked.

He laughed. "I'm not helping you die, you are doing a good enough job of killing yourself off as it is. Come on I've got you some coffee, try to sit up and drink it," he said.

"You made me some coffee?" I said surprised.

"No I brought it from the Coffee shop on my way back. I had to go and get changed. Don't tell me you didn't miss me," he said teasing.

"Sorry I didn't notice you or anyone else was gone. I'm in my own private hell at the moment, you didn't have to come back," I said feeling guilty for keeping him here and embarrassed that I look and feel like shit.

He was quite. No response. "Ok, well I'll see you later then," he said but something in his voice made me look up. His face was full of hurt as he stood to leave, he must think I want him to leave.

"Hey," I said putting my hand out to catch his jean pocket. "That wasn't meant to be dismissive, I just didn't want you thinking you had to stay and nurse maid me," I explained.

"It's ok," he whispered obviously still upset, "I'll see you later," he said and left the room. I heard him going down the stairs.

"Is it later yet?" I called after him desperate to stop him. "I miss you this time!"

I heard him stop on the stairs.

"When you come back up, can you bring my lord of the rings trilogy so we can watch it in bed until I feel human enough to venture downstairs?" I called. "And where is my coffee?"

He was quite.

"Oi Liam," I shouted. "You are being a crap boyfriend, get back up these stairs and pander to my every whim and tell me I look beautiful even if I do look like Alice Cooper!"

He appeared in the door way. "What did you say?" he asked looking confused.

"I said, can you bring up the Lord of the Rings DVD or Matrix or Blade whichever trilogy you prefer...." I said.

"No not that," he said.

"Oh where is my coffee," I replied.

"It is on the side but no not that either," he said.

"Erm I said I look like Alice Cooper," I said.

"Before that, what did you call me?" he said.

"Erm Liam... that is your name isn't it?" I asked.

KISMET (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 1) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now