KISMET Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

I sat waiting feeling sick to my stomach, I was so anxious.

"Come on Liam," I mumbled to myself.

I was nearly losing my mind here..... Hurry up.

Oh I was going to kill him.... How could he leave me waiting like this?.... How long had it been?.... Ten minutes.... Ok I was being unreasonable.... Calm down Shannon.

I took a few deep breaths.

I walked to the window gently to see if I could see him in the car park.

I was actually starting to feel ill due to my own impatience, I best sit back down.

"Are you suppose to be walking around?" Liam asked behind me.

I let out a huge sigh and my hand flung to my chest. I was so relieved.

He smiled at me and came over to wrap his arms around me gently. I leant against him, closing my eyes. I could have fell to sleep.

He stroked my hair. "You're tired," he said resting his lips against the top of my head.

I nodded, "Exhausted from the wait."

"I have a surprise for you," he said.

"Yeah?" I said puzzled.

He moved back and whistled. Marvin and Joe stepped out from where they had been hiding.

"Oh my babies," I said smiling and getting all choked up. "You have got so big."

I could tell they wanted to run to me for a huge hug but knew they couldn't.

"Let me sit down so I can have a kiss and cuddle," I said to them.

Liam helped me back to the chair and the boys came over. Joe was scanning me looking for injuries or any signs of distress.

I cuddled and kiss Marvin first. "You have had your hair done," I said. His afro now corn rows.

"Yep, Uncle Tyson took me and I had to sit still for hours and then he took me McDonalds and then to the pictures and then...." he stopped for breath finally, ".... he took me to see Granddad Bob at training cos I haven't said fuck off in ages... Oh no!" he said realising his little slip up and covering his mouth. He looked up at Liam.

"It is ok, you didn't mean it," Liam said putting his hand out to fuss Marvin's hair.

Marvin moved quickly, "Watch my new hair Dad," he said frowning.

"Sorry I forgot," Liam said.

"Give me a kiss," I said turning to Joe and putting my arms out.

"Wait," he said undoing his jacket to reveal his little sister strapped to him just like she had been with Liam. "She didn't notice Daddy," he said to Liam with a big grin.

"Told ya," Liam said.

"Kiss the baby first and then me Mummy," he said leaning forward.

I giggled at his instructions and leant forward slightly to kiss a sleeping Alisha. Joe was still only small but I wasn't worried about him holding her when she was strapped to him in a sling, I knew he would be very careful. If anything he would be overprotective.

"You're such a big boy now," I said to him after our hug and kiss.

"Yeah Daddy said I am the man of the house when he is out," Joe said.

"I am man of the house when Joe is out," Marvin said nodding.

"Wow all these big strong men to look after us Alisha, we are spoilt," I said stroking her tiny head resting against her big brothers chest. She was snug as a bug and fast asleep.

KISMET (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 1) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now