KISMET Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I stood at the side of the football pitch cheering Joe and Marvin on.

Joe had been returned to me for full time care as he was removed from his parents again. He had flew out of the social workers car on the day he arrived back and hugged me to bits, then ran up to his room to check everything was still where he left it and it was.

Marvin was also a full time placement. He was a mixed race kid four years old with the cutest little afro and his laugh was contagious. He was such a good looking kid. They both were but Marvin had people stop me in the street to tell me how adorable he was. He could also be a little monster.

As my boys threw themselves around the field I thanked god that they would hopefully be shattered later and go to sleep early. I was so tired and these boys were.... Well boys.

"Drink please," Marvin said as he ran over after the game and I handed him his drink. Quickly followed by Joe.

"Come on lets go," I said leading them to the car.

"Where are we going?" Joe said.

"We are going to get party food!" I said.

The both squealed as they strapped themselves in the car. It was Marvin's birthday tomorrow and we were having a party. The theme was superheroes.

As we walked around the shop they went wild squealing names of things at me and asking if we can have it. Then flinging it in the trolley.

I stopped at the cake section to pick up Marvin's cake. It was boxed so he couldn't see it but he was jumping up and down with excitement "Oh man this party is going to be wicked!" he said.

I laughed and told them to hush down as people in the shop laughed at his excitement too.

"Mum can I get one of these?" Joe said waiting for me to answer and flinging it in the trolley.

By the time we were done and loading the car they were hungry and wanted a burger. I took them to get lunch and home to unpack the shopping. Then back out to get the decorations.

"Marvin watch the road, Marvin watch where you are going!" I yelled as he flew out of the car and half way across the car park without looking at traffic.

Joe was busy on his Nintendo so walking at a snails pace. "Joe don't play with that when we are walking remember, it is dangerous."

He huffed and paused it.

"You can play it when we get in the shop," I reassured him.

Taking them in that shop was like Aladdin's cave they were into everything. "Stop touching!" I kept saying.

In the end I gave up and went about getting the items on the list.

"Hi Shannon," I heard Louisa say.

"Hiya," I said as we hugged. Well tried.

I looked at Louisa. "Oh my god you are pregnant!" I said in excitement.

"Yeah," she said patting her huge stomach. "I'm just here getting a casting kit for my baby shower."

"Oh cool," I said as Tyson walked around the isle.

He smiled. "Hello," he said kissing my cheek. Moments later Liam joined him.

"Ow!" Tyson said shaking my gaze from Liam.

"Don't you kiss my mummy!" Marvin said and kept punching Tyson on the leg.

I laughed, "Marvin! Stop that is naughty," I said pulling him back from taking another swipe at Tyson. "He is very sorry!" I said. "Aren't you Marvin?"

KISMET (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 1) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now