KISMET Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

I must have fell to sleep because when I woke in pain in the early hours of the morning Liam was still there. His head resting on his arm between my leg and the end of the mattress. He was fast asleep his hand resting lightly on mine.

The little sneak had stayed... so much for Tyson coming to collect him.

The pain that woke me was momentarily forgotten as I looked at him, taking in everything about him. He was staying here beside me and wouldn't leave me.... He couldn't leave me, I realised that now. He was terrified of leaving me and something happening to me whilst he was away. I could see it all, I could read it on his face as he slept.

I had to get well as soon as possible. I had to speak to the doctor about letting me go home. If I was at home I could recover better and wouldn't be worrying so much. If need be I would sign myself out as soon as I felt I was well enough. I needed to be home, lying in bed beside him. Not here with him slumped against a hospital bed with a not even a blanket or pillow. His back must be killing him.

I needed to get home, I had to help with the baby and the boys. Even if it was sitting in bed watching a film with them or holding the baby or feeding her.

What I saw before me was a man whose life had fallen apart and was desperately trying to keep the pieces together. He was the glue.... But he was slowly unravelling.

So far as I could work out, he never left me except to put the boys to bed and read them a story. He would then bring Alisha back with him to see me for a little while and Bob would take her home. He was still working.... for Christ sake, sitting here on his laptop producing documents, managing the projects and answering emails.

He looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders... I suppose he did... our world... his world. I had to help ease the burden.

The pain shot through me again. I reached and pressed the nurses button silently beside me. He didn't wake. Phew!

She came in and I signalled 'Shhh'. She smiled and mouthed back 'Every night'.

I looked down at him fighting back the tears that stung my eyes. I felt so fucking helpless and was so angry with myself. I was such a let down....

The nurse stood at my side, and squeezed my hand supportively. As a few stray tears fell. I couldn't wipe them away as he was holding my hand and to move it could wake him.

The nurse stroked my hair and smiled sympathetically. 'Pain' she mouthed.

I nodded.

She nodded and walked off. Returning a few minutes later with pain relief and another nurse popped her head in. They both shared a look that went from Liam and back to each other with a 'ah bless him' look and the nurse nodded.

She signalled 'Shhh' at me and the other nurse returned and tip toed around to Liam, draping a blanket over his shoulders as the other administered my drugs.

Liam stirred momentarily and we all froze, holding our breaths. He remained asleep as the nurses winked at me and left.

Not a word had been spoken, they must have taken to doing it for him as he didn't wake and they seemed to have a routine of draping it over him quickly like a matador with a red cape to a bull. Quick and done.

I fell back to sleep the minute they left.

When I woke in the morning, Liam wasn't there. My mother was.

"Hello baby, how you feeling?" she asked kissing my forehead and stroking my hair.

"Fine, how have you been?" I asked again getting emotional at seeing my mother and being able to read in her face how much all this was affecting her. She was not in the very best of health herself and I was worried now that my being here could cause her to have another stroke. The doctors had said she had to avoid stress and keep her blood pressure down or she could have another one.

KISMET (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 1) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now