KISMET Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Over the past few weeks I achieved many more milestones and life resumed some sort of normality.

I am adoring being a mother and have never felt as happy as I do now with my life.

Liam is just a dream. He tries not to mollycoddle me too much and although the only time we get together with each other is at night in bed where we fall asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow, we still make the most of it.

The children caught colds at school and passed it on to the baby who was suffering and as she is too small for any medicine we had many a sleepless night. Waking up in the morning with snotty and sweaty boys in the bed, coughing all over the place and Alisha asleep in her carry cot beside the bed snuffling and coughing. It was heartbreaking to watch her but her favourite place to be when ill was with me. She lay on my chest coughing and I would cover her in her blanket and rub her back, talking to her and she would lie there with her eyes open listening.

They say babies can't smile so young and it is wind but that is bullshit, Alisha smiles all the time and loves Daddy's voice. When she is awake and he walks into a room to ask me something or just coming in from work her eyes go crazy searching for him. He always fusses the boys first and when they have had their fill of him he takes her and gives her a kiss. She loves his kisses and holds her mouth open like a gold fish so he can blow a raspberry in it. I get a kiss too but it is just a quick peck as by the time he comes home I have dinner ready so we sit down to eat. Then it is the boys bath time, book and bed. Alisha is next and three times this week I have walked back into the front room to find Liam fast asleep on the sofa, remote in hand unable to stay awake long enough to watch whatever it was he wanted to see.

I was trying to get us into a routine. I knew if Liam was relaxed enough to fall asleep in front of the TV it was working. He wasn't panicking over where I was or what I was doing. He wasn't worried I was incapable of putting the children to bed even though he helped with the boys every night I liked to read the story whilst he had some quiet time with his daughter. Sometimes I heard him giggle and wondered what cute things she had done to get that response but I had my own moments with her too and they were special so I was happy to leave him to get his.

Liam was so tired this morning when he got up for work I felt sorry for him and asked him to see if he could work from home the rest of the week. That way he could catch up whilst the boys were at school and get to lie in. So long as he got the work done they wouldn't mind. He had called this afternoon to say he could work from home for the next two weeks as his diary had been moved around. I was so excited as that meant I could spend sometime with him too when the boys were at school and Alisha was asleep.

We still hadn't had sex and although we had done some pretty heavy petting, Liam always pulled away. I had been to the doctors this morning and was given the all clear. I could have sex whenever I wanted. I might be tender and not able to perform any bedroom Olympics but standard stuff was given the thumbs up.

My breast milk had dried up when I was in the hospital due to my illness and medication plus Alisha was fed on formula during that time so I didn't see the point in mucking up her feed just to satisfy this maternal urge I had to give breast feeding a go. The boys loved taking it in turns to sit feeding her on the sofa. Joe would sit quietly, bottle in her mouth and watching her. Marvin would talk to her and tell her stories or sing her songs.

As Liam was coming home soon I figured I would surprise him with a meal and give him the good news from the Doctors and celebrate his two weeks working from home. I put Alisha in her pram and headed for a lovely walk to the supermarket. This was the first time my beautiful baby and I had been out in public and I was so proud I was fit to burst.

KISMET (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 1) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now