KISMET Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to All Kismet Fans!

Chapter 1

"I made a complete twat out of myself today!" I raged to my work colleague and friend Tanya. "I was still totally hanging from last nights drink sess, and I stopped off at that Costa coffee shop in Waterstones to get a drink. I stood looking at the menu and trying to get my mind to focus on what I wanted and not my hangover only to fall asleep whilst standing up"

"Oh you twat!" Tanya said pissing herself laughing at my misfortune.

"That is not the best bit, I fall and land at the feet of the hottest bloke I have ever seen in my life. I mean he was a serious piece of eye candy and just the right amount of sugar I need to get over this beast of a hangover. Anyway, I am on my knees in front of him but at this point I hadn't realised as I was still half asleep. Reality started to set in that I had crumpled to my knees and was sweating buckets of last night drink through my pores and I thought 'get up'. So I put my hands up to the counter to pull myself up but the counter felt weird and unstable. I look up to the counter, whilst still on my knees like an altar boy and realise it is not the counter I am holding, it is the hottie's belt."

"Ah ha ha!" Tanya cried. Quickly covering her mouth with her hand as others in the open plan office looked over.

"Shhhh," I reminded her. "Anyway there I am on my knees in the middle of Costa coffee, hands on the guy's trouser belt trying to pull myself up off the floor and groaning as I am hung over and have no energy left. People are staring because to them it looks like I am about to suck his cock."

Tanya gasped and placed a hand over her mouth as she cracked up.

"I start to realise what I was doing and what it looked like. Don't ask me why, but my mind felt the need to confirm that I was indeed in a shameful position. I look up at the hot guy and for a moment I think I have still got my beer goggles on because there is no way a guy this hot could exist. Yet there I was slumped at his feet, sweating, groaning and tugging on his belt in the middle of Costa coffee."

Tanya snorted with laughter behind her hands.

"He looked down at me and smiled because he is obviously finding this funny as fuck. I thought 'oh my god' and much like you're hiding behind your hands now, I automatically hid my face..." I paused to take a deep breath before breaking this one to Tanya. ".... against his crotch."

She screamed laughing and I had to join in.

"His crotch," she repeated once she was able to speak and I nodded. She fell about laughing again.

"Yes because my hands were on his belt so my face fell forward as if into my hands but it was his crotch," I felt myself flush at the memory.

Tanya was literally crying laughing. "What did you do?" she asked.

"He was very gallant and whilst trying not to laugh at me he said 'May I give you a hand?' and I pulled my face away thinking 'OH MY GOD RUN! RUN IN SHAME! You have just nuzzled your face in the guy's crotch'. He is looking down at me with the most gorgeous blue grey eyes. Not only that he has this blinding sexy smile, dark hair, navy suit... I've never seen such a prime specimen of man in all my life and he was extending his hand to help me. I was wet as a fish in seconds, this guy was SUPERB!" I stopped to fan myself and treat myself to a visual memory of him.

"He had a perfect hand by the way... I never thought I would notice a guys hand but now I have hand fetish. It was well sculpted, manicured, not a bitten nail in sight, warm and firm and ohhh what I imagine he can do with that hand," I said imagining it slipping down the front of my knickers.

"Oiii save your dirty daydreams until later," Tanya reminded me.

"I can't help it just the thought of that hand has me walking bandy!"

KISMET (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 1) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now