KISMET Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

22 hours of labour later....

"Are you the next of kin?" Someone asked I was too exhausted to open my eyes.

"Erm yeah," I heard Liam say. "I'm Liam McKendrey her Fiancé."

"Unfortunately Mr McKendrey your fiancée and the baby are in distress so we have no option but to rush her to theatre for an emergency C section. I know she doesn't want that but she is not capable of making that decision now. You are responsible for them both and it's your decision. I will give you the facts to help you decide but be warned I am not trying to scare you I am giving you the no holds barred version for their sake." The voice said.

"Ok," Liam said quietly.

"The babies heart beat is slowing with every contraction as both mother and baby don't have enough energy to continue. If we don't intervene you are at risk of still birth and possibly losing the mother too. The records show there was a fall but the scan showed no problems and she was sent home on bed rest. Now if she didn't stay in bed the placenta could still have became detached and now be blocking the cervix so the baby can't be delivered Vaginally. It is too late for a scan now to confirm that theory but these are some of the symptoms, thirsty all the time, bleeding, abdominal pain, nausea, fainting, decrease in the baby movements. Are any of these sounding familiar?" The voice asked.

"Yeah erm... she is always thirsty and she was sick before we came which made her waters break, she has had pain for a while but dismissed it as Braxton hicks, she was bleeding after the fall but they said that was ok. The baby hasn't moved to much but we figured she didn't have a lot of room and she is always feeling faint as she is anaemic," Liam said.

"Well unfortunately it sounds like placental abruption which means that the baby will not have been getting as much oxygen and food as it should. This is the reason for the long labour and also why it is so painful for your fiancée. She has been very strong and very brave but she is fighting a loosing battle and the only way to win, is for us to rush her into theatre now and we will have the baby out in two minutes. We won't have to put her to sleep as she already has an epidural so we can top that up. So do we have your permission to go ahead?" the voice asked.

"Yeah," Liam said quietly.

"Very good, we will be in for her in a minute," the voice said.

"Shannon?" Liam said. "Open your eyes baby just for second?"

I tried but could barely keep them open.

"They have to do a caesarean. I'm sorry. I know you didn't want one but I have to think of you and the baby," he said stroking my sweaty hair back.

"It's ok," I whispered to him.

"I love you," he said his voice trying to mask his upset as he bent to kiss me.

He felt he was letting me down. In the 22 hours of this labour I had told him no matter what I was not being cut open.... I could do this.... Well I was wrong.

Another contraction hit me and I cried out in agony. Liam soothing me as the tears fell.

"I'm sorry," I cried.

"Don't be silly, what you got to be sorry for?" he asked.

"Because I can't get our baby out and I am so tired and you are scared," I said through the tears.

"It is not your fault, the doctor just said the exit is blocked by the placenta so she can't get out and that is why it is so painful. They need to take her out for us and you will be in and out in a few minutes. I will be right here waiting. I promise," he said kissing me gently. "You have been amazing."

KISMET (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 1) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now