KISMET Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

I heard Joe and Marvin's squeals of excitement before they even got to my room.

Liam had gone home to change and have a nap whilst my mum stayed with me.

He was going to bring the boys back with him and by the sounds of things they were about to wake every baby in the hospital.... Wait no every body in the morgue!

"Shhh," I could hear Liam say but to no avail.

I had asked my mum to help me look a little bit more human for when the boys came as they hated to see me poorly.

I had my hair up and a little bit of make up but natural looking.

"Mummy!" Marvin screamed as he ran through the door. Launching himself at me and was caught just in time by Liam before he could bounced on my belly.

I breathed a sigh of relief. The was close.

"Marvin what did we say about not jumping on Mummy?" Liam asked trying not to snap as he had obviously been over it with him before they came but Marvin in his excitement had forgotten, bless him.

"Ooops," Marvin said and wriggled to get out of his Daddy's arms.

"Come around here and stand on the chair that way you can reach to give her that kiss you've been saving," Liam said.

Marvin pulled himself up on the chair and pursed his big wet lips and pulled my face to his as he gave me a very big and wet kiss which he pressed with all his might to mine.

"Wow, that was a big saved up kissed," I said hugging him.

He smiled, "Yep!"

"Nanny," he said turning to kiss my mum too.

Liam laughed as I tilted my head to try and see Joe. He wasn't there.

"Where is Joe?" I asked.

Liam looked behind him and then walked out into the hallway. I could hear him whispering.

"It's ok matey, don't cry. You don't want Mummy to see you crying do you? She is ok, you just have to be gentle remember but she is in there waiting for her kiss and cuddle. You have been looking forward to it, come on, come see Mummy and your new little sister," Liam said.

"Nooo," I heard Joe whimper. "I want to go home Daddy."

"Come here, let me give you a magic Daddy cuddle," Liam said. "It's normal to be worried about Mummy but she is ok."

I felt so helpless that I couldn't get up and go get him. He was obviously upset.

Marvin walked out of my room to just outside the door where they were, "Its ok Joe, Mummy's not dead. She is just lying down and she has chocolate. Look here do you want one?" Marvin said caringly to his brother. "It is your favourite one."

"No, I don't want one. I want to go home," Joe said and burst into tears.

I knew that cry, it wasn't his whinging one where he wanted his own way or his angry one, or the one where Marvin hurts him or the poorly sick cry.... He was scared.

"Liam," I called. "He doesn't have to you can take him home if he wants to go." My voice cracking as I choked back the tears of frustration at not being able to comfort my own son and knowing it my physical appearance that was making him feel like that.

"Hello," I heard someone say. "You must be the new trainee doctors I have been waiting on to help me give your mummy her medicine."

It was the Doctor. He was such a lovely bloke and we were on first name terms with him now and he agree with me. Our baby was beautiful and looked like a porcelain doll.

KISMET (KISMET SERIES - BOOK 1) (BOOKS 1, 2, 3 COMPLETE... BOOK 4 IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now