part 16

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After dinner the trio decided to rest a little on the sofa while watching tv. Faolan took place in the corner of the sofa, with his arm resting on the back. Caera leaned against him and placed her legs over Devlin’s legs, who was sitting on her other side. They watched an episode of a series which seemed a lot like an episode of ‘Murder, she wrote’ Caera knew from the Human World. Only this was filled with monsters.

When the episode was done Faolan decided to go to bed, Caera wasn’t really that tired anymore and Devlin didn’t wanted to sleep yet either. Faolan stood up and placed one of the pillows that were laying on the sofa where he was sitting before. Then softly pushed Caera down on the couch. ‘It’s been quite a day, so try to at least rest if you’re not going to sleep.’ Faolan disappeared into the room next to the kitchen.

Devlin and Caera watched some more tv and about half an hour later Devlin cleared his throat. ‘So you said, if there was a way, you would share your mind with me?’ he said a little shyly. Caera sat up straight. ‘Yeah, and you said there’s a way?’ Devlin softly pushed Caera’s legs off of him. ‘You’re absolutely, one hundred percent sure you want this?’ Caera nodded. ‘As long as you’re not gonna hurt me.’ ‘I would never hurt you.’ Devlin said. ‘Turn around.’ Caera did as he asked. ‘I’m going to bite you, so don’t move.’ Caera turned back to face him. ‘But, you’ve already bitten me once.’ she said confused. ‘Yes, but that was because you wanted to know what it feels like if I suck your blood. Now I won’t be taking any blood.’ Caera looked even more confused. ‘Don’t ask, just turn around and you’ll see.’ Devlin said before she could ask him any questions. Caera turned her back at him and pulled her hair to the side. For the second time that day, Devlin sank his teeth in her soft neck, but instead of sucking her blood, he injected her with something. As before it stung a little, but a part from that, Caera didn’t feel a thing. He gently pulled his fangs back. Caera turned to face him. ‘So what did you do this time?’ she asked him.

‘I enabled you to read my mind.’ Devlin spoke in her head.

‘I got that, but how?’

‘I injected you with a little part of my soul. Now I’ll always be with you.’ he explained. ‘Normally we are only allowed to do this to our significant other and sometimes vampires do it to their children, but that’s only in abnormal cases. Where the child can’t speak for some reason, or anything like that.’

‘Your significant other? Is that the same as your soulmate?’ Caera asked.

‘Yes, but a soulmate is what werewolves have. In essence it’s the same, we just name it differently.’

‘Great, does every monster have a soulmate?’

‘Every living being has a soulmate, it’s just that some can’t sense it when the perfect match is right in front of them.’

‘Sad...’ Caera stated. Devlin nodded in agreement. A short silence fell between the two.

‘I’m not your soulmate, am I?’ Caera suddenly asked.

‘Honestly, I wish you were.’ Devlin sighed, making Caera blush a little. ‘But no, you’re not.’

‘How can you tell?’

‘I definitely feel protective and a little possessive of you.’ Devlin admitted. Caera’s cheeks turned a brighter red. ‘But if you were my significant other, I wouldn’t want to be a part from you. I’d wanna be with you at all times, know where and with who you going, talking, and most of all, I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off of you.’ he smirked, slowly moving closer. Caera jumped up from the sofa, her face so red it almost glowed. ‘I think I’m tired now, I’m gonna go sleep.’ she said. Devlin laughed. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said to her in her mind. ‘I was just teasing you.’ He stood up and spoke out loud now, ‘But that’s what I would feel if you really were my significant other.’

‘Are you ready to go to bed now?’ he asked when Caera didn’t move. Caera nodded. The color on her cheeks was fading a little. She started to really notice how tired she was. Devlin took her hand and guided her through the door Faolan had passed through earlier. It lead to a large room, it was dark inside and Caera’s eyes needed some time to adjust. Devlin walked through the room without hesitation. Caera heard him open another door. She felt him rummaging through whatever was beyond that door, so she guessed it was a closet. He handed her something soft. ‘Here’s your pyjamas, you can change in the bathroom.’ he said, pushing her into another room. He flicked the light on and Caera saw she was standing in a bathroom with a large bubble bath, a shower in which five people would fit at the same time, a toilet hidden behind a curtain and two adjacent sinks with a large mirror on the wall. Caera was too tired to be much amazed by the luxury. She changed into her pyjamas and found a toothbrush and toothpaste, all brand new, near the sink. She quickly brushed her teeth. When she was done, she dimmed the lights and let her sight adjust to the darkness before entering the bedroom.

She found herself to be in a room with only one, big bed. Faolan was already laying there vast asleep. Devlin popped up next to her. ‘Where do I sleep?’ she asked him telepathically, not wanting to wake Faolan. ‘Well...’ Devlin started. ‘I’ve asked the monitor, but apparently, there’s only one bed for the three of us.’ Caera was too tired to argue or to even care. She shrugged and crawled into bed, snuggling closely to Faolan. His skin felt nice and warm. Devlin snuck in after her. ‘Goodnight, Caera.’ he whispered. ‘Goodnight.’ Caera whispered back. Not long after, she fell in a deep, dreamless sleep.

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