part 21

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Here's a short chap, but the next will be longer (if I succeed in my task, that is). Have fun!

‘Mirrors?’ Faolan said. ‘Are you feeling okay?’ he walked over to her and put his hand on her forehead. ‘Maybe you should lay down.’ Kyiana hit his hand away. ‘I’m not saying this as a joke. There really are mirrors up ahead. The path splits into ten separate, small paths and on each end there is a mirror standing.’

‘It has to be a part of the event.’ Caera concluded. ‘Why else would there be mirrors standing in the middle of a forest?’

‘Maybe we’d better check it out first.’ Devlin said.

‘You can check it out as much as you like, but there’s no path behind those mirrors so we’ll have to go there anyway.’ Tyler shrugged.

Alanah, Tyler and Kyiana led the way to the mirrors. All they had to do was follow the path and as Kyiana had described, the path split into ten short paths with on every end a large mirror standing up. Every mirror had a different frame. One was made of gold, another of silver, bronze, one was decorated with diamonds, one with rubies, another with emeralds, sapphires, amethysts, amber and one with pearls. Kseniya almost ran to the mirror with the frame covered with pearls. ‘How astonishingly beautiful!’ she squealed. Kyiana walked over to the mirror with the emerald frame. ‘I think this one is the most pretty.’ she said, pointing at it. Primus silently walked over to the gold one, with his head held up high as if he was the king of the world. Keegan and Wiley sprinted to two of the mirrors. Keegan had his eyes set on the one with the ruby frame and Wiley prefered the sapphires. Faolan took the mirror with the ember set in its frame.

‘Suits your eyes.’ Caera thought. She heard Faolan snicker in her head. Alanah walked over to the mirror with amethysts. ‘Purple is cool.’ she said nonchalantly, but Caera could tell she really liked the stones. Devlin took the diamond frame. ‘I can’t take silver, doesn’t suit me.’ he mumbled. ‘But I can!’ Tyler cheered and walked up to the mirror. Only bronze was left. Mister Yuri stood next to Caera. ‘That leaves you without a choice, I suppose.’ he put his hand on her shoulder. ‘I don’t mind.’ Caera answered, offering him a genuine smile. ‘I like the bronze one. I would’ve picked it anyway.’ That last part was a lie. If she had to choose, she would have probably picked the silver one. She loved silver. But something in her told her bronze was the best choice for her so this outcome suited her. Caera took place in front of the bronze mirror.

‘Okay, so now what?’ Devlin said, checking his appearance in the mirror. Keegan was making funny faces to himself and Wiley was scolding him. Everyone else was just admiring the framing.  Caera took a look in the mirror in front of her. She started to see something besides herself. No rather, instead of herself. Her reflection slowly changed into that of Wiley, facing sideways and looking pretty annoyed.

‘Wiley?’ Caera said surprised. She saw Wiley turn to the other side.

‘Yes, my dearest?’ Caera ignored how he called her.

‘Could you take a look in your mirror?’

‘Sure. Why?’ he said, turning to his mirror.

Caera saw him staring right back at her.

‘Hey! Primus, what are you doing in my mirror?’ Keegan suddenly shouted.

‘Would you stop making those faces and act normal?’ Primus growled at his mirror.

‘Kyiana? Who do you see?’ Caera asked.

‘I see Faolan.’ she replied.

‘I see Kseniya.’ Tyler said.

‘I see Alanah.’ Devlin spoke up.

‘I see Kyiana.’ Faolan verified Kyiana’s answer.

‘So we’re all formed into pairs?’ Caera asked.

‘It seems that way.’ Alanah shrugged.

‘And what are we supposed to do now?’ Kseniya asked.

Right after she finished her sentence everyone was sucked into the mirror they were standing in front of.

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