part 19

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Caera was a little curious as to what she had to say, but the next group was about to be announced. There would be two more groups of ten monsters and one of eleven. A lot of the monsters seemed like normal humans to her, but she was absolutely sure that that wasn’t the case with any of them. If they were normal humans, they wouldn’t be here in the first place. Except for her. She still didn’t know what she was or why she was there, or why that Powaqa person wanted to possess her or make her kill herself. Caera doubted she’d know anytime soon.


‘Okay everyone,’ principal Madeira said when everyone was sorted into their group. ‘gather around your group leader. Every group has been given an orb which is to bring you to your start location. The first group to make it back here with every task on the list completed, is the winner and will receive a prize. Good luck!’ And with that said, she descended the stage. Every group formed a circle around the teacher they were appointed to. Kyiana grabbed Caera’s hand, squeezing it, just a little. ‘Exciting, isn’t it?’ she whispered. Caera nodded.

Mister Yuri took a glowing, glass orb out and held it high up in the air. He whispered a few incomprehensible words, even Faolan and Devlin with their enhanced hearing couldn’t make any sense of them. Then mister Yuri smashed the orb to shatters on the ground. A blinding flash emerged from the shattered pieces of glass and when Caera could see again, she was standing on soft ground, the green grass reaching up to her ankles. She looked around to find herself and the rest of the group standing in the middle of a small meadow, surrounded by trees. Soft rays of warm sunlight found their way through the roof of leaves above them. A little creek crossed the meadow and disappeared between the trees. The place gave off a soothing atmosphere, leaving everyone breathless. Caera felt the urge to sit in the high grass next to the creek and watch the water fight its way around  the pebbles laying in it.

‘Well then,’ mister Yuri broke the silence as everyone was in awe. ‘here I have the list with assignments.’ he said, pulling out a short list. Caera had expected it to be a lot longer. The tasks should be very hard if it’s such a short list, she thought. Kyiana gave her a little nudge.

‘Where do you suppose he keeps all those things?’ she asked in a hushed voice. Caera hadn’t even thought of that yet. Mister Yuri was a Yeti. He was covered in white hair, like a monkey, only his hair was much longer. He didn’t likely have any pockets in his own fur. Or maybe it was a costume after all and it did have pockets. Caera shrugged.

‘Maybe it’s a spell miss Sakurai has put on him?’ Kyiana guessed.

‘Miss Sakurai?’ Caera asked. She didn’t know all the teachers yet. In fact, the only teachers she knew were mister Buraq and mister Yuri. She was very glad and thankful that she was assigned to a teacher she had already become a little acquainted with.

‘Miss Sakurai is a witch, she teaches languages.’ Kyiana explained. ‘Well, monster languages and human languages.’

‘Monster languages?’ Caera asked confused.

‘Yeah, this is an entire world. Just like in the human world, we have different realms, countries, so also different customs, languages, traditions, mentality, and so on.’

To Caera the monster world had seemed so small and as everyone in school spoke the same language as she did, she naturally assumed the whole monster world spoke the same language.

‘She knows every language of the monster world and the human world and speaks all of them fluently.’ Kyiana continued. ‘Her mother had put a spell on her memory when she was a baby, the rumor goes. Her memory is infinite. She remembers everything after seeing it just once and will never forget.’

‘Impressive.’ Caera stated.

‘Hey! You two gossip girls!!’ Tyler shouted. Everyone had gathered around mister Yuri to hear what the first assignment would be. ‘Get your butts over here so we can start with this list!’

Caera and Kyiana took a glance at each other and giggled while sprinting to the group.

‘Okay, so the first assignment is,’ mister Yuri announced.

A long chapter this time. Hope I'll be able to upload some more tomorrow!

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