part 6

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When they came to stand in front of the infirmary door, Faolan tried to knock on the door. However, with Caera in his arms, he couldn’t really succeed in that. So he decided to use his foot. It would’ve been a smart idea if he hadn’t used so much force the door flew open, startling a little blond haired woman, with pale blue eyes and bandages wrapped around her tiny arms, legs and neck. She was wearing a white doctor's coat over her light blue dress.

‘I’m so sorry, miss Mamie.’ Faolan mumbled, lowering his head as his cheeks turned a soft red.

‘Oh my,’ miss Mamie said in a high voice. It sounded like little bells. ‘Did you lose your temper again, dear?’ She shook her head at Faolan who immediately jumped up in defense.

‘No, it was her. It was a misunderstanding.’ he said looking down at Caera.

‘Well, put her down so I can take a look at her and tell me what happened.’ She said raising one eyebrow slightly. Faolan did as she asked and put Caera down softly on the closest bed in the room. It wasn’t a big infirmary. There were about 5 beds, all with curtains hanging around them, but none were closed as none of the beds were occupied. In the closets standing against the walls you could find the normal hospital stuff, bottles and flasks of medicine, a box with rubber gloves, a box of tissues, bandages, scissors, books on medicines and (monster)diseases, syringes,...

Caera noticed a light in the darkness she was staring at. Running towards it she suddenly sat up straight in the infirmary bed, making Faolan and miss Mamie take a step back. Miss Mamie was holding a little light with which she had been shining in Caera’s eyes. Confused she looked from Faolan to miss Mamie and then around the room. Everyone was silent to let Caera’s memories come back to her. After blinking a few times it seemed that she’d remembered it all, but just to be sure she asked: ‘What happened?’

Faolan and miss Mamie looked at each other and then miss Mamie said: ‘I’ll leave that up to you to explain.’ as she walked out of the room. Faolan sat down on the bed next to Caera and looked her in the eyes.

‘You sure you’re okay now?’ he asked, concern washed over his face. ‘The way I threw you against the wall should’ve broken your spine...’

Caera stretched and felt her back crack in place. ‘Yup, I’m fine.’ she answered. ‘So what happened? Wait did you just say you threw me against the wall?’ She stared at Faolan, eyes wide in disbelief.

Faolan scratched the back of his head. ‘A little slow, huh.’ he sighed. ‘Well, you suddenly went all haywire on me and started to attack me.’

Caera examined Faolan’s body then shrugged. ‘You look fine to me.’ she said.

‘Yeah well, werewolves heal fast. And apparently so do you. The place where I bit you is almost fully healed.’ he took her arm in his hands and pointed at the faint bitemarks. They were almost impossible to see anymore.

Caera nodded. ‘Okay, so what did you do to get me that pissed? Cause getting me angry is a difficult task, getting me pissed is as good as impossible.’ She tried to look into Faolan’s eyes but he avoided her stare and looked at the door instead.

‘What exactly do you remember?’ he asked.

Caera remembered everything but somehow she didn’t feel angry anymore. Especially not when she saw how guilty Faolan felt. It was written all over his handsome face. She just wanted to tease him a little, by making him think she had lost her memory. It’s not like he hadn’t done anything to deserve it, right? So she shrugged. ‘Going to the movies with Kyiana and Tyler.’

Faolan ruffled through his hair with his left hand, while leaning back onto the bed on his right.

‘Well... I hope you’re not gonna get any more pissed at me then you already was... but... I... well... it’s only cause you suddenly attacked me and I really didn’t see it coming. I thought you were such a nice, quiet girl and well... uhmm... I... I just felt like fooling you a little bit... I couldn’t help myself... so... well... I... uhm... I kinda told you I had your body lying naked against mine... also naked... and you couldn’t really laugh with that... I didn’t mean that though. I really would never do such a thing. It was all a joke and I didn’t mean to upset you... I just... well... then you got all haywired on me and jumped in my pack scratching me with those sharp nails of yours and pulling my hair out so... well... I kinda lost it. I... I... I changed to my wolf form, grabbed you by your arm with my teeth and threw you against a wall. I’m so sorry, I really am. If it wasn’t for your healing ability I could have killed you with that. I threw you so hard and I really didn’t wanted to hurt you I just couldn’t...’

Caera stopped him by putting her hand softly on his. She could see he really felt bad about it all and she didn’t want to make him feel worse. ‘It’s okay, Faolan.’ she said. ‘Let’s just forget about it and enjoy the bonding event.’ She sighed thinking about the saldo of questions that would be fired at her by her friend who must have been worrying so much it would surprise Caera if her head hadn’t caught fire yet.

Faolan jumped up from the bed facing her, his eyes fighting about whether to become yellow or stay amber. ‘How can you just forget about it? If it hadn’t been for your fast healing I could have killed you!’ he shouted at her. ‘And now you’re telling me to just forget about it?’ Amber won and his upset expression changed to a confused one. ‘You were so angry before and now you’re so calm.’ He shook his head. ‘I don’t, no, I can’t understand.’

Caera could almost see all the question marks hanging above his head. She knew that he had many questions about her and she was also very aware that she wouldn’t be able to answer hardly any of them. She shrugged.

‘That’s just the way I am. I can’t explain it, nor do I want to.’

She jumped off the bed and softly squeezed Faolan’s hand before pulling him after her towards the door. ‘Let’s go.’ she stated leaving no room for discussion as she pulled the door open, only to come to a halt right outside. She turned to face Faolan.

‘Where do we go?’

Faolan snorted. ‘Where exactly were you planning on taking me?’ he asked amused.

‘To the bonding event?’ Caera half stated, half asked while tilting her head.

Faolan laughed. ‘How ‘bout a ride there?’

Caera looked at him confused.

‘Have you ever been carried by a wolf?’ he asked trying to make it a little more clear to her.

Understanding washed over her face. ‘I think I have been. I wouldn’t know how else I got to the infirmary.’ she said with a wide grin, pointing at the door behind Faolan. ‘But we can’t talk when you’re in you’re wolf form, can we?’ she asked. The grin fading from her face.

Faolan looked at her with doubt in his eyes. ‘If... if you really want to... we can...’ he said and Caera waited for she felt a ‘but’ coming. ‘but... you have to promise me you won’t get mad at me.’

Caera thought about it. She had just let out a years worth of bottled up anger, which is also why she didn’t really blame Faolan about the whole incident, so she doubted she’d get angry any time soon. ‘I promise.’ she said. But Faolan didn’t seem convinced. Cautiously he took a step closer to her. He lowered himself until his face was right before hers. ‘Remember, you promised.’ he whispered. Caera nodded, not breaking the eyecontact to show him she meant it.

Without a warning Faolan leaned forward and give her a quick kiss on her lips. Surprised she took a few steps backwards, her eyes wide and touching her lips with her index and middle finger.

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