Part 5

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I walked home and cleaned the blood off of me. Why did I do that? He apologized... he said he was sorry... but why should I forgive him? He basically made Jay have a nervous wreck. Wait, what am I doing worrying about Jay? He's dead. So is Seth. And Brian, Amy, Sarah...

I am tired. Tired of life, tired of being watched, tired of... everything. I could just kill myself, I could end all of it. Not like anyone would care. Not like anyone would know.

I went to the restroom and splashed water in my face. I need to stop having these thoughts. Change is an option. I started to cough, blood pouring into the sink. After five minutes of standing there in the bathroom, I collapsed.

I woke up and looked into the mirror.

On the mirror it said: YOU DO NOT CARE. STOP ACTING
In my own blood.

How do I know it's my blood? Honestly... I have no clue, but I can take a guess.

I looked down at the floor, blood dripped from my arm to the floor. The sleeve of my jacket was covered in blood, mainly around my upper arm. I raised my jacket sleeve.

I don't remember doing this. And the date is 12/22... I passed out two weeks ago...

I looked at the floor. Dried blood was everywhere.

How did this happen

(Sorry for the super short chapter)

Distorted (an Alex Kralie story)Where stories live. Discover now