Part 11

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I woke up in the passenger seat of Lennon's car. My hand was placed over the wound. Lennon's eyes were fixed on the road, he seemed very concentrated. On the radio was just constant static. His state of mind was obviously different than mine.

He stared at the road not even blinking... If someone screamed I doubt he would even hear it. I slowly moved my left arm to his head.

After making sure that he wouldn't know what I was doing, I bashed his head against the window and the car slid off the road and into a ditch. I bashed his head again leaving a blood stain on the window. He's unconscious.

I managed to get out of the car, open his door, and drag him out. I then took his car keys. He won't be able to cause any more trouble now. Surprisingly, right next to this ditch there was a small forest, which I can assume is still part of Rosswood.

I walked into it in some weird kind of daze. After getting about a mile into the park, following a trail, I somehow got to the tunnel. Blood stains were everywhere. The tunnel walls were cascaded with O's with X's, the operators symbol.

After a while of just taking everything in. I was in a familiar place... My house.

"Good Morning Alex, did you sleep well?", a familiar voice asked
"You've been asleep for quite a while. It's already 11:02" (sorry, not sorry)
"I guess I did sleep in pretty late"

She kissed me on the cheek and sat down at the dinner table. Her laptop was open and she was browsing furniture on some website.

"This rug looks great. I'm thinking about getting it to make our home look more... welcome I guess"

It ended there. I was in the tunnel laying on the ground, my wound stopped pouring out blood, but some was stained on the ground.

But this time there was a picture next to me... a picture of Amy.

I knew that voice was familiar.

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