Part 12

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  I looked down at the picture. It was slightly torn and the quality of the picture was bad. But it didn't matter. I tried to stand up and I almost collapsed along the way.

  The entrance and exit looked the same, and I was in the middle, so trying to find which way I came into it was going to be tricky.

"Alex!", another familiar voice
"Alex I've been looking for you!"

  I had a gun in my hand somehow. The last time I even saw my gun was when ever Lennon shot me, and I know I'm never getting that back.

  The operator stood behind me and my finger moved on to the trigger. I smirked, knowing what I was going to do.

"Alex... Alex Please... NO, ALEX!"

  I pressed the trigger. Somehow I was teleported exactly to where I was, on the floor. I was still laying down... the picture of Amy was replaced with a drawing of mine.

  This drawing looked exactly like the one I found when I was looking for my camera.... this was also the drawing which was stained with Jay's blood.

  Five minutes later I started crying. Uncontrollable tears streaming down my face. Mainly because of sadness, but also because of my anger on what I have done.

  Jay was a great friend, he was my best friend. I met him, got to know him... and we did everything together. If he wasn't in my life. My college years would've been miserable. I'd thank him if he was still here to this day.

  But he is gone. And it is my fault.

Distorted (an Alex Kralie story)Where stories live. Discover now