Part 23

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  I tried to get out of the handcuffs somehow. I pleaded to the cop that I was innocent. I needed to escape... But I felt that if I did escape, they would obviously try to look for me.

  "I didn't do anything"
  "Alex, you sure did. You hurt that girl"
  "I was walking home"
  "Home? So you live with all of them?"
  "Well, no— not really"
  "Then what is it"
  "I don't know... It's just... I'm just trying to tell you that I didn't do anything. I never would've hurt her in that kind of way... The guy you were talking to smiled whenever we were leaving!"
  "He was probably smiling because the person who killed his girlfriend was going to prison"
  "But officer—"

  The officer blocked me out. He paid attention to the road and that was all. I looked out the window. Begging to something to help me escape.

  Soon enough, I was out of the car and in a field. It didn't help that much... Because it wasn't familiar to any of the Marble Hornets locations and it didn't seem like somewhere near Rosswood.

  But that's besides the point. I don't have to go to court, I don't have to go through all the trauma... It's better now. And of course I have killed people. How could I forget that? But... how would I surrender to someone who doesn't know the cause? Is it my fault? No.

  The sun started to set. It was very beautiful. The sky turned into mixed shades of orange and pink. I don't even know what I'm trying to think about this point... All I know is that if Amy was alive, I would definitely want to watch the sun set with her. It's way better than doing it alone.

I sat down and looked at the sun and the stars which were coming out. There was a slight breeze. The birds flying in the sky looked like silhouettes against a beautiful painting. Admiring the sun was the only thing I could do at the moment, because if I tried to think of anything... I would cloud my own mind with the thoughts of my past. Sunsets are there for a new beginning. They're beautiful to show that even the hardest times will change.

I looked behind me, expecting to see the grass and maybe some trees, but all I saw was a cement wall. I then looked at the floor and back ahead of me. A prison cell. Everything that I had just experienced was an illusion.

It was odd because no one else was in the cell. Most likely because they are trying to hold me captive, most likely for some sort of questioning. I looked at the clothes I was wearing. The average prison uniform. Great.

"Hello, Alexander Kralie"
"My name is Alex. Don't call me Alexander... That's what my mom used to call me... I hate my mom"
"I don't have to listen to anything that you say. You're in here now. And also, I came here because you have a visitor. I am giving you thirty minutes to talk... And if you even try to lay a single finger on your visitor, you will just be in trouble, but you really can't because I doubt you can get through bullet proof glass. Got that?" She smiled.
"Yeah. Sure," I groaned and rolled my eyes.
"Let's go"

She put handcuffs on me and escorted me to the very back of the prison. Along the way I saw tough guys who saw me and snickered. Not like I cared. I don't wanna be here any more than they do.

I found myself in a white room. The only thing between me and the visitors was a large glass wall. If only it was sound proof. Yeah, it would take the whole entire point of visiting away, but who would want to hear someone that is basically a mystery to you. I don't know anyone that would visit me. Because everyone that I know now, is either dead or they are so far into their own mind that they are basically gone.

I sat down in my chair and slumped back, I looked at the ceiling of the room and tried to examine it as much as I could.

He sat down in front of me. The officer stood next to him.

"You have thirty minutes, I will come back when your time is up" The officer said and she eventually left after that.

My visitor gave me a smile.

"I'm not going to talk to you"
"I hate to see you in here. You don't deserve to be in here... Oh wait, actually... You do! You murdered Jessica. Look, now Jessica is gone. She died this morning of blood loss. And it is your fault. Could you explain why you killed Jessica?"

There was a sudden beeping sound in my ear. I had to quiet down.

"It isn't my fault! You know you did it! You are beyond sick," He wiped tears from his eyes, "Alex, you deserve a death sentence!"
"This won't be the first time you've wished death upon someone else!"
"What about all of your friends? Brian, Jay, Amy... All of them... Where are they now?!"
"They— They are gone"
"Yeah, because you killed them"
"Stop blaming me for everything! Just stop! I didn't do this! JUST, GO AWAY!"
"OFFICER" Lennon screamed.

Two officers came in and took me away. They basically dragged me by my hand cuffs.


Lennon walked out without even looking back at me. I'm glad he left.

(Three weeks later)

They said that I could have a phone call once a week. Today being my first day. I walked up to the phone that hung up on the wall and surprisingly I didn't call anyone. The staff here said that someone called me.

"Hello?" I asked.
"Alex... It's Jay... I need to talk to you"

I am sure that this is another hallucination. This medication that I am on is honestly making me worse.

The only thing that I am worried about is that later that day I got a visitor. Jay was standing there. He talked to me. We talked to each other.

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