Part 25

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I heard many voices coming from a different room. They sounded odd. They sounded familiar. My hands trembled as I tried to wipe the blood off of them, also wondering who's blood this was, and if it was mine, then how did I get it. But that didn't matter, I needed to find out what people were in my house.

I quietly stepped into the living room. They greeted me with an oddly warm welcome. It's surprising that they're still so kind after everything that has happened... after everything that I have done. A familiar face was seen. He walked over to me and pointed at the table which he claimed was awaiting me. The guests were happy... I think.

"Welcome, Alex. I see you decided to join our little party!" A feminine figure said. Her grin made me uneasy. It made me feel that way because her teeth were blood stained, her neck had hand marks all over it. Her cheeks were tear stained.
"W-what the hell are you doing in my house? What am I doing in my house?" I said, trying to avoid my shaking hands and the bumps covering my arms.

She giggled and stood up. The woman offered me a hug... which I politely declined. She had an odd pouty expression that I was oddly familiar with. Amy always did this when she was slightly unhappy as a way to make me give her a hug or to just make me feel sorta... sad. If that's the right word.

The guests sitting at the table looked the exact way they looked when they passed away. They weren't rotten corpses, they weren't pale, they didn't look too bad. Besides the fact that they did look disfigured in more ways than one.
Jay took his jacket off and sat it under his seat. His white shirt which was underneath had a large bloodstain coming from his abdomen. His hand patted the stain and fresh blood appeared on his finger tips. Jay looked up at me and then back down at the wound.

Brian's arms were broken, so were his legs. They couldn't be healed. His back was slightly bent as well. Brian's posture looked uncomfortable and hard to deal with. I could not only guess what it would be like, but I could tell by the look on his face too. He looked less happy. He looked... sad.

Sarah was sitting next to Brian. Her hair had blood dripping from the tips. I didn't want to see the source of the wound... but I knew it would happen sooner or later. My eyes grazed over to the wound which was on the side of her head. The wound started on the right side on the top right of her head, and the end was on the left of her neck.

Seth also had a bullet wound on his head. It was right in the middle of his forehead and it constantly leaked blood, which streamed down his face. He was the last talkative. He didn't want to look at me. Seth didn't want to look at any of us. His arms were crossed and his gaze was fixated on something that appeared to be none existent, he was staring at thin air.
Seth's mind was always complicated. He also had the best ideas... which truly helped me make my student film a dream come true. We all had our doubts and our problems... but all of us... we all could do things together. The whole group. We'd stay at a certain location to rehearse and sometimes we would just talk. Sometimes we actually were friends. We all had normal conversations, then we would argue sometimes as well... But that is all how friendships work...
Our friendship was realistic. It had ups and downs. Brian was always the happiest, brightest guy. He cheered us up through the bad times and made our friendship blossom. Jay was the one who'd crack some sort of joke... Tim was the one who overall mainly enjoyed being able to express himself... I could say that I was really the person who left our friendship in ruins. All of it.

Jessica was the last one. She was crying. Jessica's hands were covering her eyes, her back was hunched over, her elbows were on the table supporting her. Her attempt at trying to keep quiet wasn't the best. It ended up making her louder... I wish I could've been able to comfort her. I wish I could've been able to act like it was okay... Everyone has just gotten so deep into acting like they're okay, but they know that they are really dying inside. And every word they would've spoken could've been their last.

"Why am I here?" I asked. The only response I received were the quietest ones. I never realized how much silence really does say... it tells quite a bit. It either means that someone is just not interested in responding to someone whatsoever, or they don't have anything else to say. Maybe they can't explain.

"If you died we could all be together."
"Jay... we're all in the same room. We can not only talk to each other, we can hear each other this time."
"That isn't the point... You weren't supposed to save yourself from when you were stabbed... you were supposed to die. Alex, you were supposed to be with us."
"Jay... I don't want to talk about this again. You know this is my least favorite topic to discuss..."
"And what's your favorite topic to discuss then? That you killed your friends and got away with it? Is that it?..."
"Jay... stop doing this. I'm not supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be in prison... for a crime I didn't commit... But it's better than being alone and feeling dreadful all the time."
"A crime you didn't commit? Come on, Alex. You know that if the cops got a full report on what you've done you'd get your sentence for killing Jessica times five... And don't forget you didn't set just one, but two properties on fire! Two! That's arson! You've also stolen... So theft is another crime! You are not innocent."
"It's not like you haven't committed any crimes either, Jay. You've done bad things in the past as well and you're just too afraid to admit it."
"Too afraid? You don't know who you're talking too. I'm dead. You're alive. And I know what I've done... you're just too blind to state the fact that you're overall a bad guy. You're the type of person who people go against."

I turned around, expecting to go back into the hallway... Obviously since I was suspicious still... I decided to turn around, only to see a knife being thrown at me. I backed away for some stupid reason... and I passed out.

I woke up in gurney. My hands and feet were tied down. A knife was plunged into my lower abdomen... It was odd because it was in the same place where I shot Jay... Of course, I was in pain. I have very bad luck with knives.

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