Part 28: Halloween

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Ah, Halloween. The one day of the year where you can yell nonsense and everyone will be like, "Oh, they're just doing that to scare kids." But really, it's just a part of their mental illness.
I guess I'll tell you about what happened, since I've been sleeping and contemplating things for the past few days.

Halloween, Tuesday, October 31st, 2017.

I walk outside, hands in my pockets. It's been so long since they've let me leave that place. Okay so... They actually, haven't let me leave at all. But since I kind of... Left, somehow. They can't get me back.
Kids walked around, trick or treat bags in hand. I've seen multiple costumes. Ghost, witch, uhhh... And some more unique costumes as well.

I looked down at my clothes. I keep on forgetting how I've been eating one small meal a day, even though I'm almost underweight now. But that's... Okay... I guess.
I had on a blue long sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans. I looked down at my wrists, covered in bracelets. Alright. So I'm doing that again.

I see a shadowy figure up ahead, I dare not ask what it is. Because by now, I don't exactly ask questions anymore.
The Operator? Really? Is he here to damage my already sucky Halloween?
No. It's not him. Thank God. I've been paranoid for so long. If I see anything taller than me at this point, I immediately jump to conclusions... That's definitely a problem.

Children seemed to move in hordes. Scurrying along the cement, trying not to trip on their costumes that don't fit them, or trying not to lose their pair of 50 cent fangs.
Someone grabbed me by the shoulder.

"What...?" I turned around, no one was there. Is this my Halloween trick? I'm not even looking forward to a treat, I know every fortune I get, there's a misfortune soon to follow.
"This is not funny," I say, looking back once more. "I'm really not in the mood, I don't even know where I am."

They grabbed my shoulder. Hilarious.

"What the fuck‽" They grab me again. Everything goes black. Ah, of course.

I wake up tied to a chair. Fun. Not like this hasn't happened to me before.

"Alex," She says, looking down at me. I look up at her and then attempt to look at the ropes binding my hands together.
"Why am I here?" I say, tugging at the rope.
"Well... Why are you here? That's a good question..."
"Ugh. I am so confused. Why is all of this happening at once?"

She snickered, "You'll understand one day.

I woke up. Only a dream... Of course.

I had an IV in my arm, and I was chained to the bed. "What the hell..." A nurse walked up to me, holding a clipboard.
  "Uhh... Alex," I eyed her.
  "Right. You tried to attack someone, that's why... You're chained to the bed."
  "What? I don't recall doing anything like that. I've been sleeping... All day."
  "We had to sedate you."

  I looked back down at the IV and clenched my fist.
  "Don't do that," The nurse said, cautiously.

  I looked around the room, someone knocked on the door and then they walked through.
  "I've been expecting you," The nurse said, with a smile.
  "Yeah... I was going to visit yesterday but I was terribly busy," He looked down at me, "Alex..."

I squinted and attempted to cross my arms. I want to cross my arms. I sat there, repeatedly trying to fold my arms, while he watched.

"Thanks for your little surprise visit, Lennon. Maybe one day you'll get the notion that I do NOT want to talk to you..."
"I understand, but the thing is... Is that, I need to talk to you."
"You don't need to do anything. Leave me alone."
"You'd rather stay in a cold and lonely hospital bed all day?" He said, eyeing the chains.
"Of course, It's better than staying with you. You're annoying and... You've ruined my life."
"I could say the same about you." He crossed his arms. Ugh, I want to do that.

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