Part 29: Halloween, Continued

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I woke up, tied to a chair. It was toppled over so I was on my side. My wrists were tied to the arm rests, my ankles were tied to the legs. A piece of duct tape covered my mouth, but it was simple to remove. All I had to do was push the tape off with my tongue and rip it off... I guess.

  I looked around. I noticed someone sitting in a chair, a table in front of them. Their legs were spread out. They were occupied with slipping on stockings... The unknown person had on pink panties... I didn't mean to look. I hate being at eye level to things like this.

  They slid on a pair of Mary Janes and then stood up. I slowly examined them. They didn't have hips... They had a broad chest and wider shoulders than a female. They turned around before I could see their face.
  They had on a blue checkered dress with a dark blue apron wrapped around the waist. Their stockings were white and reached their knees.
  Their hair was in two blonde, curled pigtails. Then... They turned around. I was starting to think this wasn't a woman after all.

  "Hello," He said, with a smile.
  "Oh..." I sighed, "Hello, Lennon..."
  "Do you like my dress?" He spun around.
  "It's lovely. Untie me."
  "Alright, But I advise you to not run around the forest. This place is pretty spooky," He giggled.
  "Yeah... Spooky."

  He untied me. "Would you like anything to eat or drink? I have tea."

  I shook my head and stood up. There was a woman sitting at the table, unclothed. "Um... Lennon? Why is there a naked woman here...?"
  "Oh. Haha. She's taking up your seat, huh." He pushed her out of the seat. "Come, sit."
  I shook my head once more, this is when he grabbed my hand and forced me to sit down. He sat down across from me and grabbed a knife.

  "I don't suppose you're going to do anything bad with that knife..."
  "You're right. I'm not," He started to slice an apple. "Apple slice? It's fresh."
  "I'm never going to accept food from you... I thought you already understood that."
  "Psh," He ate a slice. "Do you think I'd hurt you?"
  "You shot me."
  "It was only an accident," He stood up.

  I eyed him and stood up as well. He motioned for me to sit down... I did as told. I put my hands in my lap and looked at the carcass that was on the ground. "Wow..."
  "Doesn't she look pretty?" He beamed.
  "I mean... Maybe if she was alive and... Clothed, I'd think so."

  I saw a few bruises on her thighs and breasts. I looked away, I feel bad for looking at her...
  "Why does she have bruises in... Those places..."
  "U-Uh... You know where... I mean, I know you did this to her."
  "I seriously don't see anything. Point it out."
  "I'm not looking at her again."
  "Because. She's indecent and if I look at her again It'll make me feel uncomfortable."
  "Well, I guess she isn't injured."

  I quickly pointed to her bruises and then looked away.

  "Oh yeahhhhh, thoooose bruises. Haha."
  "How did she get those?" I looked up at him.
  "Take a guess, sweetheart."
  "Uh... I really don't know. What did you do."

  "I fucked her, dummy."
  "I was joking. He did though," He pointed to a man who looked very unnatural... Their skin was grey and black. Their body was black, their arms and legs were slowly faded to grey.
  "Who is that...?"
  "That is an Incubus. He's my best friend."
  "Aren't those the demons who rape women and stuff."
  "Yeah, but he's pretty cool."

  Lennon walked over to him, "Hey Inky."


  "Hello," He said in a low tone.

  I'm so confused...

  I'm convinced that this is a dream.

  Soon enough they let me go... And I found my way home...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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