Part 22

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I checked the mail box this morning, already knowing that the only things I would find are junk and random crap from years ago. But surprisingly I found things that were quite interesting... it was more tapes. Five tapes to be exact, and a note.
When ever I got inside of the house, I sat the tapes on a dining table and I also read the note.

"Meet me at 2304 Stardust Drive, Tuscaloosa AL. You wanted to talk right? Well here's your chance. Bring a weapon, and I'll bring mine. Don't bring a weapon, and I'll do the same."

The note was dated: January 24, 2016. Two days after Lennon had shot me. I could already tell that this was Lennon's house...

  I decided to go to this house. I brought my gun, but tried to conceal it as much as I could in my jacket. I noticed that I had lost a few pounds, probably because I've been more busy trying to decode things or trying to track down a man in a mask. But that's besides the point. I have a place to be at.

  After almost two hours of driving, I parked my car a street away from the house. It was already dark. But I guess that's the best time to go into someone's house.
  I heard someone walking around in the house. The only light shining was the faint glow of a lamp. It was Veronica, one of Jessica's friends.

  "Jessica... Jessica? Where are you?" Veronica said as she looked throughout the house.

  I climbed in the back window. I then shut it, trying to be as silent as possible. I heard someone scream. The scream was more like a last cry for help. I already knew who ever just screamed, would've most likely died.
  The noise came from the basement, which I went down the stairs to. Jessica was tied up by her hands. She was barely above the ground. And she had a knife plunged in her lower abdomen. Jessica also had scars and cuts everywhere.

  "Oh no..."

  Her head lowered down and her hands did too. Her body was slightly colder than it was before. I heard sirens coming from outside. So Veronica called the police...
  I was trying to untie her. The sires were off and I heard thuds coming from upstairs. They were searching the house for Jessica. And the room I was in was fairly quiet.

  "Let's check the attic." One of the men said. The footsteps became fainter and fainter.

  I was trying to untie her. Her hands were tied in multiple knots which were very hard to untie. It was hard to try and be quiet at a time like this.
  As the room was now absolutely silent, the stereo in the corner started playing a song. Not just any song... It started playing Hey Jude. A song that is not only one of my favorites, but a song by the band which made John Lennon famous. I could already tell who set this up in the first place, but does he have to give me such a blatantly obvious clue? Does he think I am stupid?

  The police barged through the room, just as I was on the second knot. Jessica was dangling by one arm. They spotted the gun in my jacket pocket.


  I did as the cop told me.

  "Look, I dropped it. But I'm innocent."
  "You sure do look innocent. You just killed someone and were trying to tie them up."
  "I was untying her!"
  "But you have a gun in your pocket. And that isn't a normal hunting rifle, that is a pistol."
  "What's wrong with a pistol? I was just about to go hunt..." He handcuffed my hands behind my back.
  "I'll give you two reasons. A, no one shoots deer with a pistol. B, there are no deer in this area. Unless you were planning on going to hunt raccoons."
  "Sir, just listen to me. I found her here. I found her tied up."
  "And what's that tattoo on your wrist?"
  "Tattoo?" I looked at the tattoo I had on my wrist, which I didn't remember getting. It was an operator symbol tattoo.
  "That's the same symbol marked on this girls hand..."
  "Yep." He pointed to the symbol on her hand.

  Veronica walked into the room. She broke into tears.


  Veronica tried to run up to me, the cop stopped her and took a final look at Jessica.

  "I-is she dead?"
  "Only time will tell."
  "I didn't do this! I swear..."
  "You have done enough, Alex Kralie. At least some of us knew you were up to trouble from the start. And don't even try blaming the paranormal creatures that you've seen. No one believes you. I bet you don't even know what's going on."
  "I really don't know what's going on!"
  "After you disappeared, many disappeared too. You could've caused this, sir. Now let's go to the car."
  He tugged onto the handcuffs and took me to the car. Instead of just gently putting me in the car, he pushed me in. I looked out the window and tried my hardest to escape. He slammed the door and I banged against the window.


  He had his back against the car. He was looking at the back of the house and I could tell he could hear me, he just was trying to ignore me. Lennon came out of the back and he walked to the cop.

  "Oh my god... I just got home... My girlfriend. Is she alright?"
  "The ambulance is going to be here soon. But the murderer is in the car. Take a good look at him, because he'll be gone before you know it."
  Lennon looked at me. He seemed worried, at the moment I couldn't actually tell if he was being serious or not. A tear drop slid down the side of his face. He also looked at me in disgust, I angrily looked at him. I then looked away.

  "I'm glad that she is safe now. We've had troubles in the past, but I came home with flowers for her. I was trying to tell her sorry for the argument we had yesterday morning." Lennon held out a bouquet of flowers and wiped tears from his eyes.
  "I'm sorry to hear about that, but the ambulance should be here in about five minutes or so."

  The cop got in the car, while I continued to look out of the window.

  "I hope you have a lovely day and that your girlfriend will get better."
  "Y-yeah, thanks."

  We started to slowly drive off the road, the cop driving the car was focused on the road and I was looking at the other cops. The other cops already left, and the ambulance was here with a stretcher.
  As we drove off I looked at Lennon's face. He smiled as we were going off of the driveway.

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