Part 10

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(This chapter is kinda long)

He gave me an address and of course I had to look it up. And... the address lead to Rosswood park.

  I parked my car and got out, laying my back against the car and I would eye every car which passed by. It was 8:30. I didn't want to miss anything. It was kind of cold and in the passenger seat was my striped jacket. I put it on, the only memories I had from this jacket are the horrifying ones, but it's cold outside.

  After two hours of waiting, an old SUV pulled into the parking lot. A guy probably around my age stepped out of the car. He had light blond hair that reached his shoulders, just by looking at him I could tell it was him.

"Hey Alex", I remained silent
"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"
"I'm not here to chat. I know who you are now... that's all that matters"
"You think I'd just let you go that easily? After what you did to Seth, Jay, Brian—"
"Wow.... you remember my name"
"Yeah. You were one of Seth's friends, and you even decided to audition for Brian's role, AFTER I picked who it was going to be. And is that why you're here? Because you didn't get the role you wanted in a dumb student film that didn't even reach college standards?"

He looked at the ground then back at me, he smirked.

"I did that when I was young and clueless, the film was indeed a terrible one. I'm glad I auditioned late. Also, I'm here because you killed Seth. I knew Seth ever since we were freshmen in college, Alex"
"I met Jay when we were that age too"

It was silent for a while. I didn't know if I was supposed to talk, Lennon didn't know either.

"Alex. You are going to meet your end. You have caused enough trouble... and you will never be forgiven"
"Oh you're going to try and kill me?"

I had my camera strapped to my chest but I didn't even have my gun. I patted my pockets and tried to see if it was in my jacket... I made a bad decision.

"Looking for this?", I looked over at him, he was holding a gun. MY gun.
I decided to charge at him, whenever I got to him I put my hands around his neck and tried to strangle him, despite the gun that he was holding.

"Y-you-ou'r-re t-tryin-gg t-too h-h-har-hard", he managed to say while trying not to pass out.
"It-it's t-too l-la-ate"

I backed up and he pointed the gun towards me, he was not doing so well because he could still barely breathe. Running helped, but a bullet grazed my abdomen. I fell to the ground.

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