The Revenge Plan

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The world is different, humanity was on the edge of extinction. How was Ben supposed to deal with all the anger against Aliens? after what they put him trough with the harness and after killing his Mother and now the leader was having his Dad hostage.
Yes, Ben was back with his brothers, alive... but he wasn't the same boy, he could feel deeply, hear from distance, heal faster, run faster and he had a strength that he certainly didn't had before.

He was angry and he hated feeling like he was small next to the aliens, he hated knowing that he spent months working for them against his will , and as a reminder or as they called it "gift", the spikes stayed with him, making him feel different and an outsider from the rest of the resistance.

Even though he was enjoying spending time with his little brother Matt, he found more joy the first time he went on a watch with Hal, his older brother. The reason? he got the opportunity to kill with his own hands a Skitter, he put a knife under the skitter chin, letting the blood running through Ben's hand and listening to the devastating scream of this creature, watching the last breath of it, Ben knew then that if he wasn't able to go to the Alien Leaders, he was going to make skitters pay for what they did to him, and what they do to other kids.

The target was the red eye, the leader of skitters and the one that captured Ben and killed his mother in front of his eyes. Ben was on a world of pain, grief and anger right now, so instead of waiting around he decided to take the path of revenge by his own.

At the gates of the small camp that the resistance created, he was standing with a backpack on his shoulder with Hal by his side.

-Hal: There's no way i can make you change your mind, huh?

Ben smiled.

-Ben: I have to do this.

-Hal: Dad wouldn't agree to this..

-Ben: I know, but he's one of the reason i'm doing this, i still have a hard time adjusting to the people here.

-Hal: You have me, Matt..

Hal put his hand on Ben's shoulder and then after staring at his little brother, Hal hugged him.

-Hal: Take care out there, come back in one piece.

-Ben: I will.

-Hal: You're definitely not the math geek i used to push around.

-Ben: Deal with it!

The gate opened and Ben walked out of camp leaving his brothers behind with a lie of his purpose.

-Hal: I hope you find the answer of those spikes - He shouted from a short distance, closing the gate after having a smile back from Ben.

Ben had told his brother that the spikes had something special, and that he needed to go back to where he was rescued to find answers, but the truth was that he was going back for revenge, that's why he needed to go alone, so that way no one knew of his hunger for it.

He had a map, a compass, some food, a bottle of water, two guns and a picture of his family, he was also so ready to kill some Skitters.

After a day , he found himself walking through a neighborhood. The houses were destroyed and full of dirt, there were some abandoned cars on the streets and old leaves, he wondered about all the people that used to live there and it reminded him of his own, of his blue house and the annoying neighbors that might be death by now , they were an old couple who refused to leave the house.

He continued his walk, it was like midday, until he found some bodies, and then a trace of blood that was leading somewhere, it was still fresh, but before he could continued with the trace a Skitter showed up. Ben instead of being scared, he was happy, second skitter to the list.

-Ben: Come you little bastard!

Ben starting shooting to it, and when he hurted the skitter, he grabbed a small knife and did the exact same thing he did to the first one he killed. The joy on his face and his hand full with blood, but still with so much anger on his look, he heard a small scream. He followed the trace of blood and he was worried for the person that he might find, someone was injured bad and maybe he could help him. The trace end up on a porche of a yellow house that wasn't that destroyed, and he saw a body, he run toward her and turned her to see the face. A girl maybe of his same age, with a dark brown hair that with the sun looked kind of red and her skin was a little more tanned than Ben's skin, she was unconscious, she had a bad scratch on her chest, she was bleeding. The anger of Ben's face disappeard by looking at this girl.

Ben always had a good heart.

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