Hold On

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He was carrying her on his arms, she was so fragile and light like a feather. Ben was walking as fast as he could to the entry of the camp.

The camp was always on watch, four guys with big guns were supervising whatever came to the door, or whoever. After the invasion, it was hard for people to trust other people, because most of them were trying to protect only themselves. It was understandable, but humans forgot about their humanity and their values, it was hard for this resistance camp to be created. So when they saw a silhouette of someone carrying a body and walking toward the camp, it was a natural reaction to point them with the big four guns.

-Guy 1: Who is there?!

The silhouette was still a little bit far, but it was walking fast.

-Guy 2: Identify yourself!

-Guy 1: Stop right there or we will shoot!

Hal Mason was always checking on what they called "the army", he wasn't colonel, but he was definitely someone on second in command. He heard the screams from the guys checking the gates and went directly to them.

-Hal: What is going on?

-Guy: There's someone out there.

Then Hal, as the great Mason he is, heard his brother shouting, asking for help.


-Hal: Don't shoot!! It's Ben. Open them.

The gates opened, and Hal went directly to the door to welcome his brother, it wasn't strange that he was back so early, but it was strange that he was holding someone on his arms, when he definitely went alone. Ben entered to camp with sweat on his face and his eyes red, he was holding a girl, a brunette girl that looked dead.

-Hal: Man! What's going on? Who is she?

Ben looked into his brother eyes, so sincere and in so much need, he told him.

-Ben: You need to help her! Please help her!!!

-Hal: Someone call Dr. Glass!!

A lot of people gather on the entrance, whispering, everybody wanting to know the gossip.

Dr. Anne Glass was the doctor and the girlfriend of Tom Mason, she had the respect of the people not only because of her position, but because she was a nice person and a great doctor. She came as fast as she could with some assistants and a bed with some wheels, to transport the girl who was injured.

-Anne: Her pulse is low, What happened?

-Ben: She was shot a couple of days ago.. I tried to help. I.. I thought she was better, she.. said that.

Hal could see how much it care to Ben somehow, and he got closer to him, to comfort his little brother.

-Hal: Hey it's ok! Anne will help her.

Anne was checking Charlotte completely.

-Anne: Her injury has open again, she lost a lot of blood, I need to taker her in.

-Ben: Wait! She is going to get better right?

Anne didn't say anything, she just turned her look to Hal, giving him and Ben the impression that the situation was bad, and there was a lot of chance she might not get better.

-Hal: Anne will definitely try.

-Anne: I'll do anything and more Ben, i promise.

And they took Charlotte in, to the nursery.


Ben was sitting by himself lost in his own thoughts, a sadness on his face, his eyes were red and full of tears, yet no tear came through his cheek.

-Hal: Who is she?

Before the invasion the relationship between Hal and Ben was hard, it was so difficult for their parents to put this two on the same room without fighting, or it was hard to see them supporting the other. Another point to the aliens, but also of the meaning of death, and how close it was to them.

-Ben: Her name is Charlotte.. I found her almost dying.

-Hal: Oh! And... you and her..?

-Ben: I don't know, i guess. I just care so much for her, i feel different.

-Hal: I guess i most be glad. What happened? You took so long.

Before Ben could answer, a girl called Maggie interrupt them.

-Maggie: Hey! Your girl is up, she wants to see you before Glass starts whatever she is going do.

Maggie was a blonde, tall girl of 17 years and blue eyes, She was dating Hal, from the first time, those two were meant to be.

Ben stood up and run as fast as he could to the nursery, when he arrived he saw Charlie lying on the bed, with her eyes barely opened. She looked so tired, and she was so pale. Ben sat right next to her grabbing her by her hand.

-Ben: You're going to be ok now.

Charlie gave a small smile to him, she didn't just looked tired, she was.

-Charlie: I didn't tell you what i was going to wear for prom.

-Ben: You are still wearing it. You are going to get through this.

-Charlie: I've been facing death so many times since the aliens, that maybe it's time for it to actually happen.

-Ben: Shut up Charlotte.

Charlie stared at Ben, she took a moment to see everything she liked about him, not only physically, but also because of how he was.

-Charlie: You should be angry with me.

-Ben: I'm not! Because you are strong Charlie, you just need to fight a little more.

-Charlie: I don't think i can, i'm.. tired.

The voice of Charlotte cracked at the end, and small tears were on her cheeks.

-Ben: You are not going to die.

-Charlie: I might.. Ben. I'm just happy it happened after i met you.              My grandmother gave me this beautiful dress for prom, it was hers, and it was perfect. Long, black, it had some diamonds on the chest, i don't know if it survived... But i would have pick that one to be with you, to dance with you.

-Ben: Charlie, please.                    I love you too.

They stared to each other for a while, then Ben removed Charlotte tears with his thumb, and got closer to her. He hugged her for a while, until Charlie was taken into a separate room, to start the process of her being saved.

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