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Ben woke up early, he always did. The invasion forced him to be on watch at all times, and not only him, mornings just weren't the same for humanity. But after a few minutes, a sound called his attention, making him look outside the window with careful.

It was Mech. The big metal robots controlled by the aliens, with big guns having the power to pulverize a human or anything else living on their path. Ben stayed still and quiet, as long as he was like that, the mech wouldn't have a reason to shot the house. He noticed that the Mech was on watch, walking through the neighborhood, perhaps looking for something living, it was weird because mechs did a lot of sound, and if their target was to catch refuges that was a completely failure from their part.

The sound woke Charlie, but she didn't move, not because she couldn't, but because she was terrified. Ben wasn't near her, and all kind of thoughts came to her mind, including the fact that she might be getting better just to die for once and for all.

But the mech, that in fact was alone, was just passing through, this made Ben felt confused and not sure of what was going to happen next, so with careful and still on silence, Ben walked to the room where Charlotte was staying.

-Ben: Hey! Are you ok?

Charlie was laying on Bed, and when Ben entered his hand went directly for Charlie's hand.

-Charlie: Yeah, what was that?

-Ben: I'm not sure, but we need to go, we can't take any chances. How's your leg?

Charlie, with careful and a little struggle ,put herself up to end up sitting on the bed, the struggle was less than the night before.

-Charlie: It's better.. well, getting better.

-Ben: Ok, i'm going to pack somethings from downstairs, pack blankets from here, not too much, the backpack can't be heavy. Don't push your leg!

-Charlie: Ok

The fact that they needed to go worried Charlie, and it was obvious from the look on her face, it worried Ben too, but not as much, after all, he wanted his revenge.

After some time Ben and Charlie were on the door, it was closed, Charlie was laying her weight on Ben putting her left arm around his neck. Ben opened the door carefully , he was grabbing a gun with a hand, and with the other he was grabbing Charlie by her waist. But before they could go out the house, they heard it, The mech was back pulverizing the houses, one by one, and he was close to the house they were staying.

The situation was out of control, and deep inside, Ben panicked.

-Ben: Take this.

Ben gave Charlie the gun, and he took out another one for himself.

-Ben: There's a park at the end of the street, it's not far, we need to go there.

Charlie was shaking, one thing that scared her were guns. Ben noticed the fear on her face, she wasn't even looking at him, so Ben placed both of his hand on Charlie's face, softly, giving her a sweet and calm look.

-Ben: Hey, it's ok, I'm going to be right behind you, remember to put your weight on the other leg.

All that Charlie could do was agree with her head.

They got out of the house as quickly as Charlie could, Ben was behind her, looking back to check that the mech would not notice their presence, but maybe that was some mistake of him, because a second later he heard a small shout coming from Charlotte, and he turned his head to face that three skitters were just in front of them.

Charlie had her gun up pointing to a skitter, but the skitters were slowly walking towards them and without a worry. Ben needed to think clearly, but there was no time, so he use his anger instead.

-Ben: Charlie take the shot!

-Charlie: The mech will hear it!

And then Ben took the shot. He carried Charlie leaving her out of the way, but in a place she could still see everything. Ben starting walking toward the skitters, they were angry now, but you could see they were playing around with Ben, like they knew there was some other plan for that kid. Charlie noticed that non of the skitters were trying to hurt him, they were just scaring him, provoking him, the skitters could attack Ben the three together at the same time, killing him, but they never did.

Ben wasn't thinking of course, his anger was talking, his hunger for revenge was right in full view. He killed the first skitter with the gun, and then he went for the rest at the same time, he still had his gun and a knife, he shot one skitter on two of his six legs, making the skitter run away toward the mech, meanwhile the Mech was still causing the explosions of the houses, he didn't even notice the fight down the street. When the skitter arrived to Mech, they both took off, leaving the neighborhood on flames.

But there was still one skitter left, Ben shot him on his six legs, with an extraordinary ability, leaving the skitter on the floor full with blood, screaming in pain. Then Ben went on top of him making one cut on the skitter chest.

-Ben: Your friend is going to warn the red eye, but this will be nothing compare to what i will do to him, so you can tell me where i can find him, or i can show exactly whats going to happen to him.

The skitter was shouting with his devastating scream, that's all you could hear from them, and Ben knew that, deep down, he wasn't expecting an answer.


Then Ben stabbed the skitter, over and over and over again. He stabbed him with non stop, he didn't even notice that the skitter wasn't making any sound now, the blood of the skitter was splatting Ben's face. The skitter was dead...And that's when Charlotte noticed all that anger.

-Charlotte: Ben Stop!!!

Charlotte was standing behind him, and when he face her, he was covered with blood and with a sad look, a look that was telling that he was sorry she had to see him that way. But he didn't tell of course.

-Charlotte: He is dead!

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