The Yellow House

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Ben had been walking without stop, focused on his task and focused on finding the red building. He was suddenly feeling tired, it was weird because of his abilities, but he had been using them non- stop, he hadn't had a time of rest and sleep and he knew he needed that. He heard his mom on his mind saying the words of " you need to rest", he remembered how his mom used to told him stories before bed and before the goodnight kiss; When he was younger, his mom always forced him to go to bed, he was never tired or that's what he always said.

The sun was staring to rise, but Ben's eyes were staring to close automatically, his body was forcing him to take a rest. Ben didn't noticed at the beginning but he was walking on a neighborhood, a neighborhood that was now ashes. There wasn't a sound and the place looked sad, but then he noticed that he had been there before, and he confirmed it when he saw the house.

The Yellow house, the one he found Charlie on, the one they first meet, the place he hold her hand for the first time and they stared at the stars together. It was intact, and it was the only house left on the neighborhood. It looked new and clean but of course, it was only because the rest of them were black and covered in ashes, and had more dirt on .

He stared at the house, shocked and wondering why was it the only one. Did they left it on purpose?

Ben was in front of it, contemplating the house, with a sad look, with many emotions and many thoughts on his mind. Automatically Ben's body staring moving, and he knew that his heart was moving it. He starting walking and he entered to the house slowly, he was watching every corner of the first floor. He was sad and he felt heartbroken, but mostly he was scared, being in the house reminded him of her, and even if he should feel happy remembering her, he didn't, because she wasn't there with him.

It scared him to lose her, it scared him the failure, what if he had to kill her? Would he even do it? What if he wasn't there in time? What if it was already too late?

He found himself standing at the entrance of the room she slept, contemplating the bed, imagining her figure laying there. A single tear drop from his eyes and he went directly to lay on the bed, right on the side she had been on.

He was staring at the other side of the Bed, that empty space reminding him of his loneliness and of what he had lost, and deep inside he just wanted Charlotte to appeared on the bed. He closed his eyes and started crying, he was forcing his eyes to be closed.

-Charlotte: You don't have to close your eyes to see me.

He opened his eyes and saw Charlotte laying next to him, facing him, they were both on their sides facing the other, close to each other.

-Charlotte: Oh Ben!

Charlotte stroked her hand on Ben's cheek, removing the tear on it.

-Charlotte: You'll be alright.

-Ben: I need you.

-Charlotte: I'm here.

-Ben: This is not real.. I'm probably dreaming again.

Charlie gave him a sad smile, she had a look that was telling how sorry she was for him to be on that place, and how she couldn't do anything even if she wanted to, and it hurt her as well, seeing him like that.

-Ben: If i lose you.. I.. I will be finished.

-Charlotte: You are not going to lose me, and you are not going to lose yourself. I know that's what scares you, and i know meeting me save a part of you.. but you saved yourself as well, you are strong Ben, stronger than you think.

-Ben: Why does this feel so real?

-Charlotte: I told you before, this is not only dream.

-Ben: Is this torture? Am I torturing myself by imagining you?

-Charlotte: No.. Ben?

-Ben: Yes?

-Charlotte: I love you.. and i believe in you. Now, you have to rest and save energy so you can find me.

-Ben: But i want to stay with you.

-Charlotte: Shhh, i'm going to sing to you.. or at least try..
She smiled.

The soft words that came from Charlotte's mouth were told with her heart, and it came from the song of their dance.
I will love you

Until the blood all leaves these veins

Don't you let us, Don't you let us

Lose to an early grave

Give me a lifetime

And then fifty more to find the words

That will never explain

How I need you

How I see you

How you are everything that I have

Ben fell asleep while listening to Charlotte singing, and later he woke up and he found himself alone like the beginning, this time was different because Charlotte came to heal his broken heart, and he felt better and ready to his journey, stronger somehow not only because he had already rest, but seeing Charlotte's face made him stronger in a way.

He stood up and took one last look to the house, He grabbed a bucket of gasoline he found inside the house and he covered the whole house with it, at the end, when he was at the entrance and with some matches on his hand he found as well, he took a deep breath and Put the house on flames, leaving that place behind and taking the memories with him.

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