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The night finally came around, the sky dimming to a navy blue full of stars with no snow clouds in sight. Earlier, Mikey found me some crutches so it will be easier for me to get around the prison or in general.

But after today, Leo regrets target shooting, but at the same time, he didn't. He sighed, standing at the exit of the prison that led to the inside yard. He could hear the growls and smell the flesh rotting in the air. "Maybe we never should have practiced today. Those shots lured all of them over here."

I carefully came up behind Leo, walking on my crutches. "I think it was a good idea."

There were so many of them, at least twenty coming around to shake the fence violently and make us all feel that they were going to break it. And no matter how many weeps were done in the evening or the morning, or afternoon, it still didn't make us feel any better.

"It's almost nine," Leo spoke, thinking I should be in bed at this moment.

"I like being a night owl, Leo," I reply.

"Suit yourself. When you're well enough to travel, we're leaving this place." Leo sighed, still hearing the fence rattle from the Dead. "It's time to consider that you'll be going where ever Donnie goes."

"What do you mean?" I asked Leo.

"I'm sure you'll both figure something out."

Donnie then called me from the cell block. I think it's funny how he started playing the 'mother' role. This was mostly to make sure I didn't hurt myself, otherwise, I would be going to bed on my own time. "Osa, come upstairs, please."

"It's time for you to get some sleep," Leo suggested.

I nodded, turning around to go back to the cell block. "Good night, Leo." The crutches glide in front of me, getting into the cell block to see Donnie is waiting for me at the top of the stairs. As I came to the stairs with full confidence, I second-guessed myself and froze. "I think I need help..." I say to Donnie, who didn't hesitate to help me.

The tall mutant guides me, being patient with me taking my time. As much as I wanted to go quick, I needed to be gentle with my body. It's still trying to get used to not having a right leg.

Once I made it to the top, I used the crutches to go back into the cell. Since my amputation, Donnie and I switched beds so I wouldn't have to climb to the top bunk.

After adjusting the pillows and blankets to keep my stump elevated, Donnie says, "Please, get some sleep." He puts the blanket over me.

I remove my glasses and hand the pair of lenses to him. "Of course." I release the tension in my neck to have my head sink into the pillow. Right away, I closed my eyes, listening to Donnie shuffle around before he went on the top bunk and got tangled up in the sheets.

While I try to sleep, sometimes I hated how I could hear certain things because my ears are sensitive. The growls and roars are still heard, the smell somehow made its way into the cell block, and I hated the knowledge of those things lurking around every corner.

I'm still afraid of the infected people, the dead ones, too. I don't know how something so small made monsters out of the human race...

How am I going to run? How will I survive again when I have one leg? I have so many questions and I don't know if I'll get any answers.

I might be dead before any of them are answered.


Hours later...

It was maybe a few hours into my sleep for the night, getting the strength I needed for the next day. I'm warm, my body was relaxed enough to dull out some of my stump's pain, and I felt peaceful. I thought I would be getting some great sleep until I felt my entire body get shaken up violently. "Osa, wake up!"

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