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𝐎𝐬𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

It felt like hours of waiting when it really is just two minutes. A lot of voices were heard from the other side of the gates; people. It was mostly men who were talking.

Patience and Donnie whisper to each other as I go to the back of the group and stay near Kri and Regan. Leo was in the front with Bebop and Rocksteady, and Kitty held his hand tightly while she waits patiently.

"They'll accept us, right?" Asked Faith.

"Only one way to find out." Said Mikey as he put a hand on her shoulder.

The same gate opens a bit. A young man with dirty blonde hair, maybe in his twenties peeks out to us and his eyes widen. He brings himself out fully with a young man and woman at his sides. The three of them looked about the same age.

"Holy sh*t..." The man muttered, scanning each one of us. "Wh--... hello."

The other man and woman were surprised, too. The adult female had ginger hair with a white face and light clothing, a rifle, too. And the young man had black hair, light skin, wearing all black, and held a handgun in his right hand. Leonardo nods to the man and replied back with a friendly hello, staying as calm and smooth as he could"I don't how to start off..." He says.

"I don't either." The man chuckled nervously. "Got a...a name?"

"Leonardo." My leader answered. "This is my family. Some of us came from New York. We're looking for a proper place to stay."

"Well, you're in luck. This community holds a good amount of people. Women and children." The dirty blonde explains, staying calm. "Oh, uh, where are my manners? I'm David. This is Lorah and Luke. We guard the gates."

"Nice to meet the three of you," Leo says.

"What are you?" Luke questioned. "Aliens?" The look on his face told me he wasn't afraid of anything. Good kid.

Raph scoffed at Luke's guess. "No, we're not. Mutant turtles and a warthog. The girls are mutants, too... except for orange crush here holding Kitty's hand."

David and his friends understood. They nodded as they took a quick look at us from where they stood.

Leo was nervous at the fact that David's people were holding their weapons, waiting to use them if they were needed. "We'd appreciate it if none of your guys shot at us, David." Leo calmly told him.

"Of course," David says, looking at Luke. "Luke, tell all men to stand down." Luke did what he was told and went into the community where he gave the word to holster all weapons. "You all look exhausted." Said David. "Care to come inside?"

"Yes, thank you," Leo said checking on us all. "Ready?"

A few of us nodded. A small majority of us were quite nervous when it came to new faces.

Before I walked with my group, I transformed back into my original appearance. I used Kristen as a crutch, helping me through the gates.

Only one of the gates opens, letting us enter this 'safer' place. The first thing I see is a road; the same one we walked on. On the sides were multiple buildings with different purposes. Directly in the middle of the road was an island of grass and small trees. This is a very small town with very few houses.

"Wow." Regan smiled at the sight. She thought she was dreaming.

"Welcome to Hopeswell," David said, gesturing to his home.

"Where is everyone?" Asked Faith, seeing the place was quiet.

"They're all in their houses," David answered for us. We decided a meeting for tomorrow since you guys don't look...normal." David said, cocking an eyebrow at a few of us.

Mᴜᴛᴀɴᴛ Aᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘsᴇ 2: Sʜᴇʟᴛᴇʀ Sᴇᴇᴋᴇʀs ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now