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My leg dangled in the bathtub with real running, warm water as I rest my head on the floor. Donnie washed down the dead skin on my stump gently, making sure he didn't miss a single crease in my skin. It was the first time he was able to get the plumbing working in this old place again. That meant showers for everyone in the inn.

In seconds, Stan was back in the room for a quick moment to tell Don he was going out for a bit to another location in town. The poor guy has been a huge help when it comes to the essentials of the group and he is willing to help keep us alive, especially Kristen. He leaned against the door frame and adjusted his rifle on his shoulder.

"I'm gonna go scavenge real quick at the restaurant down the street. We haven't really gutted that place out. Don, since Leo isn't here, I'm letting you know." Stan told him.

"Okay, I'll be here with this Osa." Don grinned at me on the floor, still scrubbing my stump.

"You look like you're having fun." Stan chuckled at me. "I'll be back in a few. Feels strange to be telling a turtle where I'm going."

"Ha! Yeah, same with me. It's strange to tell a human where I'll be." Donnie smirks.

"Mhm. Tell Kristen where I've gone? I wanna get there before dark and I don't want her coming along." Stan says to Donnie, leaning off of the doorframe.

"Sure thing, Stan," Don replied looking back into the tub.

"Thanks, Donnie. See you tonight." I watch Stan leave with bravery, wanting to step outside alone to risk his life for the group. I'm sure he'll stay safe.

I finally spoke when Donnie kept cleaning me up. "Gonna be honest, I don't like water at the moment."

"Well, you want it to get infected?" He asked me.

"Good point." I smile.

Donatello shut off the water before wrapping my stump up in a towel he had with him. Once we were finished washing up, I kept thinking if I was going through nerve damage since Leo amputated my leg to keep me alive. Sometimes I'd feel the weird tingles up my chin when I ran my finger across it, maybe it is the nerves. But, hey, there wasn't a surgeon nearby.

Don let me crawl on the floor to reach the bed closer to the window and get comfortable again. I pull the towel away and look up at my caregiver who had a large washed white sock. I'm assuming it belonged to Raph or someone with very large feet.

"I found this sock and cleaned it up," Donnie said. "I thought we could use it to protect the skin."

"How long until I walk?" I asked.

Donnie sighed and said, "The latest is about six weeks." He slips the sock over my stump as I sighed in disappointment. "The socket of your prosthetic will take time."

"I know..."

"Four weeks if I had the right tools. Don't worry. You'll soon get back up and be a big help again for all of us." He smiled. I knew he was trying to cheer me up by saying I'll be the same person that I once was before being a cripple. I loved being someone who jumped around and wandered off but I was not going to buy Donnie's happy talk.

"Thanks, Don." That is all I said to the respectful words he gave me.

"Sure," He suddenly sounded down. "Anytime." He got up to stand and walks to the dresser with his bag full of items sitting patiently for him to look through. Raphael and Kristen were already out of the room and in their own doing what they chose to do as I stay quiet in here with Donnie.


Outside, the screeching told the three girls to scatter from the location of the deer they once called theirs and now the Dead's dinner. They know to be extremely quiet of these dead people, doing their best to not make the snow crunch so loudly. If they are to ring the dinner bell, it could trigger the Stalkers and make them realize three walking buffets are giving permission to chase them.

Mᴜᴛᴀɴᴛ Aᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘsᴇ 2: Sʜᴇʟᴛᴇʀ Sᴇᴇᴋᴇʀs ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now