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Patience was eyeing a pair of figures that faced their backs to her. In instinct, the white scaled lizard drew her first arrow and raises the head of the mini-spear. She strained and patiently rested her thoughts for the right moment to fire it. Patience aimed for the shorter figure in dark clothing, mostly leather and cotton on the inside of her jacket. Her boots hid something very sharp and shiny, too. They must be very fine weapons.

The lizard heard muffled voices being spoken to the leader, and the tone got her thinking this may not be a friendly group of people. Her left index finger pointed with the arrow and her eyes never came away from her target.

"Just one arrow..." She whispers.

Patience saw Leo drop his gun and lower himself to the ground, getting on his knees with his hands up. She inhaled deeply, her back straight, chest out, and the arrow was ready to fly.


Criss had protection for Leo. Two weeks ago she thought she wasn't going to get a secure home, but Leo soon welcomed her to the family

The barrel of her rifle stares at the back of a huge human-like thing with heavy clothing and weapons on his backpack. He was thick and mean-looking. This odd man had tusks peeking out of his mouth, and a long tail dangled in the snow.

Criss tugged the bolt of the rifle to load in the first bullet, the stock of the gun was barely touching her shoulder. Criss supported the entire body of the weapon before taking a deep breath of cold air and letting it out to become a cloud.

"Just one bullet..." She told herself.

Once Leo was lowered to the ground, Criss felt it was her time to take action and defend her new leader.


"Drop your weapon and get on the ground slowly." The female voice told him. Leo sighed making the magnum gun disappear in the snow by his feet, he raised his hands and kneels on both knees. The female walks toward Leo with a gun in both hands and aims at the side of his head. "How many are with you?"

"Why...?" He asked, doing his best to not show any fear.

"I ask the questions!" She jolts the barrel at his head. "How many?!"

"... eleven including me."

"Where?" She nudged Leo's head. Leo sighed and looks up in front of him and could see all of the things he could be hiding behind. But he's being held hostage right here. The female moves the gun away from Leo's head and a faint scream from a blade escaped her boot. She held the dagger under Leo's neck and spoke again with more aggression. "Where are they?"

Leo breathed sharply and felt no shame in not telling anything to this stranger. The girl wasn't going to kill him so easily.

"Rock, get words out of him." The girl walks away from him.

Suddenly, two objects flew by. A single arrow, and a sly silenced gunshot. The bullet fragments got stuck in the arm of the animal that looks like a warthog and the arrow parked itself in the female's right thigh. Both screamed and Leo looks back to see two of his friends hiding behind buildings.

"Damn it!" Leo says, getting up and running for the brush. The female and hog groan in pain, and that's when the two rescuers step out with one man left to injure or possess...

"Adrien. Take care of the ginger." Criss says, meeting Patience in the road. The one with blue eyes and beautiful hair commands her other soul to control the last stranger and make him do anything Criss wants.

Mᴜᴛᴀɴᴛ Aᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘsᴇ 2: Sʜᴇʟᴛᴇʀ Sᴇᴇᴋᴇʀs ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now