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Donatello and I hung around the inn a little longer until we heard Regan, Leo, and Criss return home with a few things that were not so useful. But it was better than nothing.

Leo greeted us. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah." Donnie looks at me and back to Leo. "Everything's great. No infected or people." He smiles, still playing with the object he had in his hands.

"That's good." He said as Criss comes behind him to enter the room and tossed her bag on the bed Donnie and I sat on. She exhaled deeply while unzipping her pack and giving Donnie a couple of books for him to read. The pages were wrinkled up from the weather and some pieces of the covers were torn, but the books that take people on adventures are still readable.

"Found a couple of novels-- Titanic and To Kill a Mockingbird." She says.

"Thanks. Titanic is one of my favorites." Donnie picks the book up to examine the front and back. He then opens the story about a famous boat to read the table of contents. "Where's everyone else?"

"Stan radioed us and he said he'd be back soon with Mikey and Patience. What about Raph and Kri?" Criss says.

"They're not back yet," I said.

"Hm. Maybe they found a deer or a rabbit." Leo set his gear on the floor, stripping away his heavy covering and emptying his pockets. The leader looks at Criss for a short second, who is looking up at the scratched ceilings, mumbling words and nodding to something that wasn't there.

"Criss? What are you nodding at?" I asked.

"Huh?" She looks at Leo and me. "Nothing..."

"Really? I've seen you talk to yourself." I mentioned. "And you never told us how you saved us from the infected a while back."

Criss scoffed at me. "You're crazy, Osa."

I narrow my eyes and did detect something in the room with us. I could see that whatever was with Criss needed to be revealed and I was going to be the one to uncover it if she was not going to be open with us.

"I bet you're too afraid to show it." I played. I thought riling Criss will help her spill everything out. "Show us what you got, Criss."

"Osa." Donnie looks up from his book.

"Hush, Donnie. Something is with Criss."

"There is nothing with me!" She growls.

"Prove it!" I smirked. Criss breathed in and out in rage. She was pissed enough to hit the wall and let out what was inside her. The old inn lamps flickered on the nightstands, the old phone for service flew off the dresser, and pillows fell on the floor. Leo, Donnie, Regan, and I look around the room in surprise.

"The hell?" Regan whispers, looking at the objects that moved on their own.

"Happy now?" Criss hissed, calming herself as she looks at us all. "It's an entity that follows me everywhere."

"No way," Leo smirked at Criss. "It's incredible. Your souls are bound together?"

"Yes..." Criss nodded. "His name is Adrien."

"I'm sorry, Criss. I--I had to know." I apologized.

"Don't worry about it." She says, walking out of the room.

"Osa." Donnie looks down at me.

"What? We need to know the backstories of our group. We can't leave history in a chest and keep it there in the dust. Everyone should spill it later tonight. Up for story time around a campfire?"

Mᴜᴛᴀɴᴛ Aᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘsᴇ 2: Sʜᴇʟᴛᴇʀ Sᴇᴇᴋᴇʀs ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now