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𝐎𝐬𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
𝙹𝚊𝚗𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟷𝟼𝚝𝚑, 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟽

A morning dove cooed as it beats the sun to an awakening over the hills and trees. I shot up from the couch to smell meat being cooked in the kitchen, eggs, too. Sitting up, I see who it is.

"Morning." Said Patience. "How'd you sleep?"

"Average." I shrug and notice Donnie, Faith and, Kitty are on the floor. Bebop and Rocksteady are at the kitchen table eating away. I grab my glasses on the arm of the couch and put them on the bridge of my nose. "Where's everyone else?"

"Still asleep in the bedrooms. I think it's time to let them sleep in for once." Pay said, still making some cooked eggs.

"How long have you three been awake?" I asked her.

"Since seven this morning," Bebop said. I look at the clock on the wall to the right of the window.

"That's three hours. Why so early? Aren't you guys tired?" I asked.

"The floor is uncomfortable." Patience says. "I'm thinking about rotating rooms. And David came by." She changed the subject.


The white scaled lizard brought her hot pan over to a crowd of plates on the counter and serves different amounts of food. Today's breakfast releases the steam as Patience returns back to the stove and sets the pan down. "He wanted to talk to Leo about being a smart ass about the walls. I think he got offended."

"He should be," I say to her. "You know, I don't think this place is very secure... Leo's right. Those walls made out of transportation trailers and steel won't hold very long when a herd comes."

"I agree." She says. "But right now we are having breakfast. Go wake everyone up?"

"Sure." I swing my left leg over the couch and look down at the three family members of mine with blankets and pillows.

Rocksteady speaks while he got up from the table. "I'll get everyone upstairs and down the hall. You don't have to tire yourself out right now."

"Thanks, Rock." I smiled. Peering down to the floor gave me the first face to see. Donnie had drool escaping his mouth and sinking into the pillow. I wanted to smile, but end up not doing so and look at Patience in the kitchen. I slip my glasses off my face. "You know what, Pay, something came up... I'll be right back." And with that, I bolt out of my spot on the couch and hop toward the front door. My tired hand twists the knob before pulling it back to open to the outside. The bright light of the sun blinds me in an instant while going down the steps, gripping the wooden railing.

Voices were loud that came from adults and kids. Both of my eyes stung after trying to adjust to the bright sun. Soon, I finally saw children pass a basketball around to each other. Adult couples stroll side by side until they stop to have a look at a strange creature like me. They exclaim in shock and I still block the sun's light from my eyes.

My hands start fidgeting, the only leg I have left is shaking, the dark blurs were sucking me into their empty holes, and feeling my top half only rock back and forth in a steady motion. Everything on me lightens, feeling sick to my stomach. I'm floating.

Being flat on the ground put me out of my groggy state.


The sun's light was doing something better to Donnie; waking him up. He gets into a push-up-like position as he wakes up at a regular pace. A white line traced the side of his cheek from the saliva he produced.

"Good morning, sir." Patience greets him.

"Hey," He groaned sitting up and looking at the couch. "Where's Osa?"

"She took a step out--" Patience was replying but cut short because people were causing such party out front. "The hell?"

"What was that?" He gets up with concern. Donnie brings himself to the window with the blinds still remaining closed, he pulls one of the pieces down and felt his stomach drop. He gave a couple of shudders when he backs away from the window and mutters, "Oh sh*t..." He runs to the door and felt the guard dog mode take over once again after days or too many hours. Don found kids surrounding my limp body on the road, his feet carrying him only feet from the doorstep until he reaches my body. The youth and elders scat when Donnie immediately picks me up. They scream, but he does not care one bit.

Pay kept herself hidden and watches Donnie retreat back into the house. He placed my body on the couch to soak in my condition. "Osa?" He shook me. "Wake up."

The next thing I feel is a cushion with a white ceiling cutting off the bright circle's light and a face hovering over me. "Where am I?" I asked blinking a dozen times.

"Back in the house," Donnie tells me.

"But I was outside."

"You fainted," Patience says coming by with a cold rag. "I believe you're in shock."

"Oh..." I mumble as she set it on the surface of my forehead. It was rather chilly that sent a shiver down my spine. Pay leaves to wake everyone else up to eat their morning meals.

"Just relax." Donnie smiled, his hand touched mine. "You gave me a small scare."

I scoff. "Really?"

"Yeah..." He smirks.

I wasn't expecting that answer from Donatello's mouth. I replayed Kri and I's conversation from two days ago on how Donnie somewhat had a different relationship with me and I'm in denial of this knowledge. If she is telling the truth, I am willing to find out much more.

"Don't worry." I enunciate. "It's better than being bitten."

Donnie still had a piece of his smile hanging off his lips. I can see the rest of our group waking up, but didn't seem to notice I had a scene on the first day of confidential life. Regan and Criss caught on and both girls walk to the couch. "Everything okay?" Regan asked.

"Yes." I nodded. "Just shaken up a bit."

"Let me know if you need anything. I can't just sit around." Criss chuckles and Regan followed her to the kitchen.

"Hm." I let out and Donnie replied with the same sound with a questioning tone. "That's a lot of people out there..."

"I'll say." He snickered. "Kids. I didn't think they'd be around."

"We're teenagers. Same thing?"

"Eh, maybe. They have parents and we don't. We take care of ourselves... Kitty, Bebop, and Rocksteady are the only ones older around here. The youngest... is Regan. We're not kids."

"Okay." I agreed.

Donnie gives me a quick smile and looks back to the kitchen. "Well," He sighed "Want to eat?"


He gets up from the couch, joining our family in the kitchen and that's when I thought about how we'll introduce ourselves to everyone outside. I'd like to feel like a citizen here even if we're concerned with its security. It's best to think of that later.

Mᴜᴛᴀɴᴛ Aᴘᴏᴄᴀʟʏᴘsᴇ 2: Sʜᴇʟᴛᴇʀ Sᴇᴇᴋᴇʀs ❪✓❫ Where stories live. Discover now