Part 13

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For 5 days in a row, Casey had apparated to the Black Hut after her classes end, bringing along all her assignments and attend to it while being watched by Credence.

"Is it nice? To do magic?"

Credence once asked when he saw Casey practicing her defence charm.

Casey simply smiled at the question but she quickly sensed Credence's curiosity and somewhat anxiety.

Casey had seen it before, when she penetrated Credence's mind. She knows that Credence had to seal his magical ability because he lives with muggles who hate magic. She knows that is the exact reason why Credence becomes an Obscurus.

Casey sighed deeply to think that Credence never got the chance to learn. If he did, maybe he won't be as vulnerable and scared as he is right now. Afraid of his own power.

"I can teach you if you want..."

Casey answered. Credence stared intensely towards Casey. He blinked few times, trying to register what Casey just said.

"I said, I can teach you if you want. But of course only the basic things like how to change something into another, how to levitate things, and other simple charms."

Credence quickly nodded. He wanted to learn magic so much. Graves once told him that he is a squib. He doesn't have the ability, but Credence knows that isn't true. So to think that hebis able to learn some magic from Casey makes his heart jumped a little.

"Are you that happy?"

Casey asked although she already knows the answer. Even without legilimency, she can easily see it from Credence's expression.

Again Credence nodded.


It's Saturday.

Exactly a week when Casey first met Credence. Today, Casey is going to apparate Credence to Dumbledore's office and from there, they are going to meet Mr. Scamander.

Dumbledore had written a letter to Scamander before, telling him about the whole situation. So Newt, being a kind Hufflepuff he is, gladly tell Dumbledore that he can take care of Credence and perhaps appoint him as his assistant.

Casey is so happy about this fact. At first, she was afraid that Mr. Scamander might report Credence to the ministry but apparently Mr. Scamander responded positively about the issue.

Casey had seen Mr. Scamander before in Credence's mind. 'He seems like a great guy.' Casey thought in her mind.

"Ccc... Casey..."

Credence suddenly appear at the door. Casey was too deep in thought, she didn't even realize Credence has been staring at her for quite some time.

"Hey... What's wrong?"

Casey asked before she slowly walks towards Credence, slowly touching his shoulder in the most comforting way as she could detect Credence's restlessness.

"Arr... Are you sure about this? Why... Why can't I just stay here?"

Credence asked. His eyes somehow pleading for Casey not to let him go.

Casey slowly moves her hands towards Credence arms, caressing them slowly and smoothly, trying to steer away Credence's anxiousness and a slight anger.

"It's okay Credence... You'll be safe there instead of here. Who knows when my family might barge in into this hut and find you? So it's better for you to stay there, with someone to take care of you... Do you understand?"


"Hey... I'm not going to leave you if that's your main concern... I'll come to you, with every opportunity I have. Or at least, I will send you a letter. Alright?"

Credence hesitated before he nods slightly. He shudders a bit from Casey's warm touch.

"Trust me Credence... It's going to be fine..."

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